
  • interpolün turn on the bright lights albümünden nefis bir parçadır.
  • (bkz: obstacle 1)dan sonra turn on the bright lights albumunun en tutucu parcasidir kanaatimce. ancak bir ayrilik notu bu kadar incelikli olabilirdi.
    interpolu seviyoruz.
  • when she walks down the street
    she knows there’s people watching
    the building fronts are just fronts
    to hide the people watching her
    she once fell through the street
    down the manhole in a that bad way
    the underground drip
    it's just like her scuba days


    she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
    she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
    she was all right but she can't come out tonight she broke away
    she was all right yeah the sea was so tight, air-tight
    she broke away broke away
    she broke away broke away
    she broke away broke away
    she broke away


    bottom of the ocean she dwells
    bottom of the ocean she dwells
    from crevices carressed by fingers
    and fat blue serpent swells

    oh stella

    stella i love you stella i love you stella i love you
    she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
    she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
    she was all right but she can't come out tonight she broke away
    she was all right yeah the sea was so tight, air-tight
    she broke away broke away
    she broke away broke away
    she broke away broke away
    she broke away

    well she was my catatonic sex toy love-joy diver
    well she was my catatonic sex toy love-joy diver
    she went down down down there into the sea
    she went down down down there down there for me

    right on
    oh yeah
    right on
    it’s so good
    oh yeah
    right on
    it’s so good
    oh yeah

    there's something that's invisible
    there's some things you can't hide
    try to detect you when i'm sleeping
    in a wave you say goodbye
  • bir gun gercekten bir yagmurun yagip tum sehri* pisliklerden arindiracagina inanan, oyunu dukakise mi yoksa palpatinea verip vermemek arasinda kalmis, her turlu yol sartlarini (emotional landscape is included, please keep out of reach of children) hice sayabilecek gucte down* bir sofor*un hayatindan kesitler sunan (olmayan)interpol* calismasi.

    "stella was a diver and she was always down" değildir.
  • ithaca collegetownun en guzel muzik calan barlarindan stella's in favori parcasidir ayni zamanda.
  • girisinde, elemanlardan birinin "this one is called stella was a diver and she's always down" dedigi sarki.
  • insanın stella adlı birine aşık olmak istemesi ya da kızsa adının kesinlikle stella olmasını istediği şarkı. bi daha doğmak varsa umarım adım stella olur. ben böyle insanı alıp başka bi yerlere götüren bu kadar etkileyen bi şarkı daha görmedim.
  • tam tersi, insanda stella isimli kızlardan kaçması gerektiğini anlatıyor.kaçın gidin siz de boğulmayın o dalgaların arasında.
  • sözlerinin, fahişe stella'nın aşık olması ve sonunda intihar etmesinden bahsettiğini düşündüğüm interpol'un şimdiye kadar yaptığı en güzel parça.paul banks'in sesinden çağresizlik akıyor resmen hüngür hüngür ağlamak istiyor insan.banks'in sadece kafasında kurup böyle sözler yazmış olması imkansız diyorum herseferinde i love you stella derken benim içim parçalanıyor resmen.sonunda well she was my catatonic sex toy love-joy diver deyip bünyeye son darbeyi vurduğunda ise fişi çektikten sonra ışıkları söndürüp yatmak lazım gelir sadece.
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