• 1993 yilinda issaquah, wa'de indie-rock triosu modest mouse vokalist/gitarist isaac brock, bassist eric judy, davulcu jeremiah green tarafindan kurulmustur. inanilmaz guzel bir gruptur dinlenilmesi tavsiye edilir..
    23/04/1996- this is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about
    06/08/1996- interstate 8
    18/11/1997- the lonesome crowded west
    13/05/1997- the fruit that ate itself
    18/01/2000- building nothing out of something
    13/06/2000- the moon & antartica
    24/04/2001- sad sappy sucker
    25/09/2001- everywhere & his nasty parlour tricks
80 entry daha
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