8 entry daha
  • too many tours gone bad due to not at all professional tour arrangements is maybe the main reason for giving up. (we do indeed have stories about tourmanagers/agencies and the business in general, the best ones would surely make a bestselling book...)
    coming home from tours with empty pockets, equipment falling apart and having a pile of bills on the doorstep is simply "horns down". paying the bills with tour memories and floorscores is just not possible. we do love standing on stage but we don't know much about the business part, and that's a bad combination. trust me on that one.

    dağılma nedenlerinden biri olan üstteki paragrafı okurken, içimi cızlatmayı başarabilmiş grup. gönül ister ki bu heriflerin sponsoru olayım, faturalarını ödeyeyim, masraflarını karşılayayım. ah ulan.
1558 entry daha
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