9 entry daha
  • jacque fresco'nu, bende yanaklarından öpme isteği yarattığı an, endüstri hakkındaki aşağıdaki sözlerini bitirdikten sonraki birkaç saniyeye denk gelmektedir.

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    “what’s in it for me?, is why people think. and so if a man makes money selling a certain product, that’s where he’s going to fight the existence of another product that may threaten his institution.

    therefore, people cannot be fair. and people do not trust each other. a guy will come over to you and say ‘i’ve got just the house you’re looking for’… he’s a salesman. when a doctor says ‘i think your kidney has to come out’, i don’t know if he’s trying to pay off a yacht or that my kidney has to come out. it’s hard in a monetary system to trust people.

    if you came into my store and i said ‘this lamp that i’ve got is pretty good, but the lamp next door is much better’, i wouldn’t be in business very long. it wouldn’t work. if i were ethical, it wouldn’t work.

    so when you say industry cares for people… that’s not true. they can’t afford to be ethical. so your system is not designed to serve the well-being of people. if you still don’t understand that there would be no outsourcing of jobs if they cared about people. industry does not care. they only hire people because it hasn’t been automated yet. so don’t talk about decency and ethics, we cannot afford it and remain in business.”
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89 entry daha
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