• orjinal adi livro do desassossego olan fernando pessoa tarafindan yazilmis (sah)eserin ingilizce'ye cevirilmis halidir. en basarili ve odullu cevirisi richard zenith tarafindan yapilmis olup, penguin classics tarafindan 2001 yilinda yayimlanmistir.
    okunmaya baslanilan daha ilk sayfa da gorulen "could it think, the heart would stop beating" cumlesi, kitabin geri kalan kismi icin, kalbin daha hizli carpmasina neden olacak guzelliktedir.

    (bkz: huzursuzlugun kitabi)
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    love wants to possess, but it doesn't know what possession is. if i'm not my own, how can i be yours, or you mine?
    if i don't possess my own being, how can i possess an extraneous being? if i'm even different from my own identical self, how can i be identical to a completely different self?
    love is a mysticism that wants to be materialized, an impossibility that our dreams always insist must be possible.
    i'm talking metaphysics? but all of life is a metaphysics in the darkness, with a vague murmur of the gods and only one way to follow, which is our ignorance of the right way.

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    (sayfa no:450)
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    the burden of feeling! the burden of having to feel!

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    (sayfa no:122)
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    could it think, the heart would stop beating.

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    (sayfa no:11)
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    to be able to have dreams, it's crucial that you know how to have no illusions.
    in this way you'll reach the summit of dreamy abstention, where senses blend, feelings overflow, and ideas intermingle. there colours and souls tastes like each other, hatreds taste like loves, and concrete things like abstract things, abstract things like concrete. the ties that joined everything but also seperated everything - because they isolated each element - are broken. everything melds and merges.

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    (sayfa no:274)
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