• fables and reflections isimli sandman cildinden bir öykü. zamanın bildiğimizden farklı geçtiği bir "soft place"de marco polo'nun bir rüyası. diyalogları tebessümler oluşturanlardan.. "kim kimin rüyasında?"

    marco polo: are you always that pale?
    sandman: depends on who is watching.
  • marco polo'nun ilk uzakdogu seferinde taklamakan colunde kaybolmasiyla yasadigi dussel macerayi konu alan sandman hikayesi.

    marco polo, rustichello ve gilbert'in* karsilastigi kisim muhtesemdir.

    marco: sir? what is this place?

    gilbert: here? hoom. i thought i'd told you that already. you are in one of the soft places.

    gilbert: there were more of them, in the olden days. i remember when i was just a young vicinity, there were soft places everywhere. well, not everywhere. but they were a lot sight more common than now.

    gilbert: even in your time they were more common than they are today. sometimes i think that their loss is your fault.

    marco: my fault?

    gilbert: yours, hwen t'sang's, ibn battuta's... the lot of you. the explorers, and the ones who came after you, who froze the world into rigid patterns.

    rustichello: you're talking as if we're dead, man. dead and crumbled to dust.

    gilbert: that's what you are. to me. you're history. both of you. seven hundred years gone.

    gilbert: time at the edge of the dreaming is softer than elsewhere, and here in the soft places it loops and whorls on itself. in the soft places where the border between dreams and reality is eroded, or has not yet formed...

    gilbert: time. it's like throwing a stone into a pool. it casts ripples. hoom. that's where we are.
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