• turkiye'de oy verenlerin sahip oldugu, secmece karpuz secmekten daha iyi bir islevi olmayan hak.
  • türkiye'de olanı fasülyedendir. diğer ülkelerde de öyle olabilir tabi. bilmiyorum.
    eğer seçimde oy kullanmamanın cezası varsa, öy ey hiişt olmaz o.
    seçme ve seçmeme hakkı istiyoruz. sandığa gitmemi bana kimse dikte edemez düud.
  • askeri öğrenciler,er ve erbaşlar,hükümlüler,18 yaşın altındaki çocuklar,akıl hastaları ve tc vatandaşı olmayanların türkiye'de sahip olamadığı hak. türk kadını bu hakka 5 aralık 1934'te sahip olmuş.
  • seçim boykotu değil de oy vermemek, boş oy ve geçersiz oy, doğrudan iktidarı onay ve alkış demeye gelmenin ötesinde seçme hakkı** kamuoyuna devretmek demek.
  • temple guard: "but is that not a statement for your denial of your own creation?"

    nibi-ru: "i have indeed been appalled by mankind, it was a hopeful venture for creation. nevertheless, denying the consequences of one's own choices is a wicked privilege of perverse gods in heresy with themselves; let alone mankind that is a mere mortal creation"

    sorcerer: "therefore thy say is, mankind was created with desire to make choices but not have consequences?"

    nibi-ru: "on the contrary, it was created for eventual divinity, with proper knowledge on choices, then doomed itself by eventual desire to make choices without consequences. they have renounced their path to divinity"

    temple guard: "this is whence you leave? your departure being a huge damnation on men for a pitifully small wrong like this?"

    sorcerer: "not a pitiful petty wrong as you claim follower, it is by and large, denial of essence of existence making humankind lose its own reason for being, therefore losing its creator deity"

    custodian: "is that it? is that the eternal punishment from thy deity-ness for mankind? is that not utter cruelty upon men to leave them with their own unmolded self-destructive nature without maturing it?

    nibi-ru: "they have proven they do not deserve to be molded for creation hence they have chosen the side of destruction by leading themselves to believe in choices without consequences. therefore i shall leave them with their own self-destructiveness. nevertheless my damnation shall transpire in worse. i shall not leave forever and shall traject around mankind every singular age, each time passing near their planet awakening mankind's worst mare which is things in their lives that almost become true but never finalize rendering to a close miss every time, for they will continue to make choices and disregard consequences. this is my imprecation upon my failed creation that has made itself a lesser anathema"

    custodian: "is there no chance whatsoever to lead mankind to maturity so that they might choose avoid falling into a false fantasy world broken from their inner reality? i say again, it be utter cruelty to leave them within their primal instincts and without rational cognition to move forth in their venture of existence"

    nibi-ru: "no, i deem not. henceforth i shall be known in my caliginous name, and men shall fall into false creeds toward their imminent destruction. i shall be remembered as marduk, the creator whom men shall forever inculpate for their doom that is spawn of their own blindness"

    sorcerer: "so be it"
    temple guard: "so be it"
    custodian: "so be it"
    nibi-ru: "woe to those unable to comprehend"
    [book of wallace]
  • 16-65 yaş arasındakiler ile sınırlandırılması gereken hak.
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