• roger watersin 1992 yilinda cikan albumu.

    this species has amused itself to death...
  • albumun 9:07 dakikalik kapanis sarkisi.

    // switch tv channel //
    man: consider it a bargin at even 6 or 7 or even 8 hundred dollars... hi! you're live on the show! hi!
    woman: denise from delaware
    man:how are you?
    woman: first time i've even been this.. uh, spoke to you.
    man:why, it's my pleasure!
    woman:---son, bought that thing for me, and you were supposed to give it to me on mother's day.
    woman:but you didn't.
    man:(?) tell me (?)
    woman:ah, maybe about 7 or 8 hundred dollars
    man:seven or eight! a congratulation! ok!
    woman: bye-bye
    man: bye-bye

    we own this at four hundred dollars

    you gotta be kidding me!
    seven, eight, nine hundred dollars!
    tell ya what
    while it was seventy-five, eighty maybe

    cut the price
    cut it and give it away
    to end the day
    to end the day out there...(?)
    it's incredible (?)
    not even worth selling (?) seventy-seven (?)

    doctor doctor what is wrong with me
    this supermarket life is getting long
    what is the heart life of a colour tv
    what is the shelf life of a teenage queen
    ooh western woman
    ooh western girl
    ooh western woman
    ooh western girl
    news hound sniffs the air
    when jessica hahn goes down

    // heh //
    // ha ha ha //

    he latches on to that symbol
    of detachment
    attracted by the peeling away of feeling
    the celebrity of the abused shell the belle
    ooh western woman
    ooh western girl

    and the children on melrose
    strut their stuff

    woman:(?)...she had a bodyguard to guard her pearls...(?)

    is absolute zero cold enough
    and out in the valley warm and clean
    the little ones sit by their tv screen
    no thoughts to think
    no tears to cry
    all sucked dry
    down to the very last breath

    woman: (?) glamorous (?)

    bartender what is wrong with me
    why am i so out of breath
    the captain said excuse me ma'am
    this species has amused itself to death
    amused itself to death
    it has amused itself to death
    amused itself to death

    we watched the tragedy unfold
    we did as we were told
    we bought and sold
    it was the greatest show on earth
    but then it was over
    we oohed and aahed
    we drove our racing cars
    we ate our last few jars of caviar
    and somewhere out there in the stars
    a keen-eyed lookout
    spied a flickering light
    our last hurrah
    our last hurrah

    and when they found our shadows
    grouped around the tv sets
    they ran down every lead
    they repeated every test
    they checked out all the data on their lists
    and then the alien anthropologists
    admitted they were still perplexed
    but on eliminating every other reason
    for our sad demise
    they logged the only explanation left
    this species has amused itself to death
    no tears to cry
    no feelings left
    this species has amused itself to death
    amused itself to death
    amused itself to death

    alf razzell: years later, i saw bill hubbard's
    name on the memorial to the missing at arras.

    amused itself to death

    alf razzell: and i... when i saw his name, i was absolutely transfixed.
    it was as though he was now a human being instead of some sort of
    nightmarish memory that i'd had of leaving him all those years ago.

    amused itself to death

    alf razzell: and i felt relieved. and ever since then i've felt... happy about it, because always before, whenever i thought of him, i was searching myself; "was there something else that i could have done?"

    amused itself to death

    alf razzell: put me down. put me down. i'd rather die. i'd rather die. put me down

    alf razzell: and that always sort of worried me. but having seen him, and his name in the register; as you know in the memorials there's a little safe, and there's a register in there with every.. every name... and seeing his name and his name on the memorial.. it sort of lightened.. lightened my heart, if you like.

    woman interviewer: when was it that you saw his name on the memorial
    alf razzell: ah, when i was eighty-seven... ah, that would be a year, ninety f... eighty-four, nineteen eighty-four.

    // switch tv off //
    // crickets fade out //
  • roger waters ın bu şarkıyı eski grup arkadaşlarına itafen yaptığı söylenir.
  • hakkaten bir temasi olan, bu tema etrafinda eglenmeyi de, goz yasi dokmeyi de bilen (ornek watching tv adli parca olabilir: 'shed a tear for my yellow rose') bir dalganip bir durulan, en azindan bir kere bastan sona dinlenmeyi hakeden guzel ve hazin bir albumdur. dinlerken sarki sozlerinin de bir yandan takip edilmesi albumun temasini kavramakta ise yarayabilir.
  • özel bir efekt/tını/mix elde etmek için, yer yer, bazı kanalların fazlarıyla oynadıklarından şiddetle şüphelendiğim albüm. özellikle köpek havlamaları, sağa/sola yatırılmış konuşma efektleri, korolar gibi kanallarda dikkati çekiyor.
  • yana done tekrar dinlenir. melodileri insanin kulagina kazinir. muzik tarihinin ciddi kazanclarindan ne ki hakki yenmis bir albumdur. tekrarlamakta sakinca yok: her eve lazim...
  • albumdeki cogu sarkinin arkasinda ya da onundeki cenci kadın seslerinin de hak ettikleri ilgiyi görmedigini düşünüyorum. roger waters'ın her ne kadar yetersiz ama pek karizmatik bir sesi olsa da, kadın sesi başka bir şey işte, hele de cenci gırtlaklısı. onları secmesinden ötürü waters'ı bir kez daha teprik ediyoruz...
  • jeff beck'ten don henley'ye muhtesem bir kadrosu olan album.

    quadrophonic ses duzenine gore kaydedilmistir. quadro bir muzik sisteminiz yoksa albumu %100 dinleyemezsiniz.
  • roger waters'ın pink floyd dan ayrılmasının akabinde 1992 de çıkarttığı albüm.

    bu albüm roger waters'ın tarzını tamamen muhafaza etmekle beraber, pink floyd'un roger'sız zamanlarında ürettiği albümlerden müzikalite, atmosfer, ruh ve konsept olarak çok daha öndedir. roger waters'ın pink floyd için ne kadar önemli olduğunu buradan görüyoruz.

    ancak şöyle birşey de var ki bu albüm asla bir dark side of the moon, bir animals, bir atom hearth mother hatta syd li zamanlardan bir the piper at the gates of dawn olamaz. bu da waters'ın da gilmour'suz , wright'sız ve mason'sız (ve barret, tabii ki) eksik olduğunu ifade eder.

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