6 entry daha
  • bu ay içinde dağılmış olan grup. blakkheim'in sitesinden yaptığı açıklama şöyledir :

    "blakkheim has decided to put his solo project, diabolical masquerade to rest. despite the commencement of a combined composing/recording process of a 5:th album last year, the utterly slow progress along with the lack of updates sustained the very worst fear; the spirits didnt come to him this time. maybe or maybe not, everyone knows how big role the spirits have had on the completion of the former albums and without even a spark of their presence it wasnt possible to move forward with the 5:th album. blakkheim along with his longtime musical/technical collaborator dan swanö, made 4 albums between 1995-2001 under the diabolical masquerade monicker, all which represents their own defined moment in time. from now on, this page will remain online as an official tribute page. so, as the masquerade has come to it's end, it's time to take off the masques and leave your words in the guestbook before you must go...

    in the absence of the spirits,


    september 2004"
2 entry daha
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