• mark rippetoe tarafından "basic barbell training" altbaşlığıyla yazılmış kitap.

    daha sağlıklı ve kuvvetli bir beden için izolasyon hareketleri yerine tüm vücudu çalıştıran hareketleri tercih edenlerin okuması gereken kitap.

    kitabın bölümleri aşağıdaki şekilde oluşturulmuş:

    chapter 1 - strength: why and how
    why barbells

    chapter 2 - the squat
    loaded human movement
    squat depth - safety and ımportance
    learning to squat
    leverage and moment - the basis of barbell training
    common problems everyone should know how to solve
    the master cue
    spotting the squat
    personal equipment
    coaching cues

    chapter 3 - the press
    learning to press
    faults and corrections

    chapter 4 - the deadlift
    learning to deadlift
    back position
    pulling mechanics
    the little details

    chapter 5 - the bench press
    learning to bench press
    common problems everyone should know how to solve
    racking errors

    chapter 6 - the power clean
    the neuromuscular system
    power, force production, and velocity
    learning the power clean
    correcting problems
    the power snatch

    chapter 7 - useful assistance exercises
    partial movements
    squat variations
    bench press variations
    deadlift variations
    press variations
    ancillary exercises
    barbell training: there's just no substitute

    chapter 8 - programming
    learning the lifts
    nutrition and bodyweight
    soreness and ınjuries
    barbell training for kids
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