4 entry daha
  • anarko-sendikalizm kitabını emma goldman'ın ricası üzerine yazmış. çok ilginç mektuplaşmaları var bu ikilinin. misal:

    . . . a work on syndicalism in the english language is desperately needed now. it would do tremendous good. the very fact that a publisher asks for such a book shows that he too realises the importance of it ... rudolf dear you really should do the book. and you should do it as quickly as possible. after all a short work on anarcho-syndicalism is not a work of science or deep philosophy. to reach large masses it must be kept in a light tone. anyhow you and no one else are the man to do it. and i hope you will undertake it. it will be a real disgrace to refuse such an opportunity to present our ideas before a large public in england and america. do you not think so? ... of course you must write it in english. if need be it can be revised here ... i feel certain if you made up your mind you could do it in a month ... please, please dear rudolf say yes ... (4 may 1937)

    rocker bir aya başlarım çalışmaya diyor. almanca yazacağı için bir çevirmen ayarlıyor. sonra emma goldman'dan gelen bir mektup daha:

    i wish i had you here. believe me i would spank you ... don't you realise old dear that we never had such a golden opportunity as the offer of the london publisher to get our ideas before a large section of the british workers? and that there never was a more propitious moment than now to make anarcho-syndicalism known in this country? ... it's you my dear and you cannot get away from it. please please set to work on it as quickly as possible. after all you even need no material on the subject. you have got it at your finger tips. you should therefore be able to do it quickly. won't you try? ... (10 june 1937)

    en sonunda rocker'ın eşi rudolf'un işleri var ama yazacak rahat ol mealinde bir cevap yazıyor. sonra aynı yılın sonuna doğru kitap tamamlanıyor.

    kaynak: http://www.ditext.com/rocker/intro.html

    ama emma goldman da ilginç kadınmış vesselam. kendisinden istenen çalışmayı tatlılıkla rocker'a kilitlemiş.
4 entry daha
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