• efsanewi otesinin ustu amerikalı southern-rock grubu lynyrd skynyrd'ın 74 tarihli ikinci albumleri second helping'in muhtesem otesi acılıs parcası...sozleri itibariyle dunyanın en milliyetci sarkılarından birisi...kanadalı we entelin allahı olan neil young'a soktukları laflar unutulmaz...bugun alabama we texas dolaylarındaki redneck'lerin milli marsı...forrest gump filminde tom hanks'in manyak maceralar yasadıktan soona ewe donerken calan parca...son olarak barda calmayı en sewdiim sarkı...sozleri ise su sekilde:
    big wheels keep on turnin'
    carry me home to my kin
    singin' songs about the southland
    i miss ole bamy once again, and i think its a sin

    i heard neil young sing about "her"
    good old neil put her down
    i hope neil young will remember
    a southern man dont need him anyhow

    sweet home alabama
    where the skies are so blue
    sweet home alabama
    lord, im comin home to you

    in birmingham, they love the governor
    they all did what we to do
    now watergate doesnot bother me
    does your conciess bother you, tell the truth...
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