• albumle ayni ada sahip sarkisiyla bilumum kendinden gecme ayinleri duzenlenebilur, bunye gevser dinlenir...bu turk amcanin cd si yabanci menseyli oldugundan an itibariyle 28 milyon 750 bin liradir.
  • sozler kanaliyla da daglayan sarki;

    all the same
    what has been found and written,
    what has been taught
    all the same, all the same

    the same game
    we've been playing the same game
    since the begining the same game
    all the same; the turth
    all the same, all the same

    all the same, all the same
    what has been found, all the same
    know yourself, that's the power.
    look at yourself, watch your breath,
    that's the wisdom,
    that's all that has been found
    by the children of adam,
    since the garden of eden.
    we are breath, but notjing else,
    let's watch it, enjoy it
    let's give the thanks to the lord
    for the gift, for the breath.
    you are the lord, you are the joy,
    you are the source, you are the secret
    and the same truth.
    since the begining the same game.
  • icinde muhtesem i love you parcasinin bulundugu omer faruk tekbilek albumu
  • ömer faruk tekbilek'in bir albümü...
    bu albümde yer alan parçalar şunlar :

    01 - red skies
    02 - i love you
    03 - wildflower
    04 - manhem
    05 - tahir raks
    06 - roman
    07 - one truth
    08 - ara ya
    09 - sufi
    10 - istanbul
  • bu sarkinin sozleri cok guzel aslinda ama soyleyen omar faruk tekbilek midir degil midir bilmesem de feci bir turk aksaniyla ingilizce konustugu belli olan sarki. ozellikle "you are the source" ve "you are the secret" derken cok belirginlesiyor," kesin bu sarkiyi bir turk soylemekte" demekten kendinizi alamiyorsunuz.
  • globus'un yeni kasedi break from this world'den gorkemli, epik, etkileyici sarkisi..
hesabın var mı? giriş yap