
  • ingilizce hepsini gördüm
  • dancer in the dark'da bjork & peter stormare'in, selmasongs'da bjork & thom yorke'un beraber soyledikleri tren sesli sarki.
  • i've seen it all, i have seen the trees,
    i've seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze
    i've seen a friend killed by his best friend,
    and lives that were over before they were spent.
    i've seen what i was - i know what i'll be
    i've seen it all - there is no more to see!
    you haven't seen elephants, kings or peru!
    i'm happy to say i had better to do
    what about china? have you seen the great wall?
    all walls are great, if the roof doesn't fall!
    and the man you will marry?
    the home you will share?
    to be honest, i really don't care...
    you've never been to niagara falls?
    i have seen water, its water, that's all...
    the eiffel tower, the empire state?
    my pulse was as high on my very first date!
    your grandson's hand as he plays with your hair?
    to be honest, i really don't care...
    i've seen it all, i've seen the dark
    i've seen the brightness in one little spark.
    i've seen what i chose and i've seen what i need,
    and that is enough, to want more would be greed.
    i've seen what i was and i know what i'll be
    i've seen it all - there is no more to see!
    you've seen it all and all you have seen
    you can always review on your own little screen
    the light and the dark, the big and the small
    just keep in mind - you need no more at all
    you've seen what you were and know what you'll be
    you've seen it all - there is no more to see!

    sozlerine sahip,ozellikle "have you seen the great wall?-all the walls are great if the roof doesnt fall" kısmını sevdigim $arkı.
  • - yeterince gördüm, yeterince yaş(l)a(n)dım.
    - göreceklerim beni şaşırtmaz, onları görmek istemem zaten.
    - gözlerimi isteyerek kapattım.
    anlamlarina gelen soz obegidir.

    "neden gözün kapalı yürüyorsun?"
    "bütün yolları ezberledim"
    "ama düşebilirsin"
    -gülümser- "bütün düşüşleri de ezberledim"

    ("yazılmayacak kitap"tan)
  • björk ve radiohead'i pek çok seven kişilerin zevkle hüzünlendikleri müzikal ürün.
  • my song of the end
    i've seen it all

    şekliyle blind guardian'ın kanımca en güzel parçası olan a past and future secret'da da geçer..
  • -cine ne dersin? cin seddini gordunmu peki?
    -butun duvarlar koca bir sedtir eer ustlerinde saglam bi cati varsa...

    sarkinin burasina kadar sukinet icinde kalmis insanlar burda gozyaslarini tutamazlar artik.. gerek yoktur ole buyuk seylere.. hayatta gayet sıradan seylerde mukemmel olabilirler.. (bkz: kucuk seyler sevindirir ruhumu)
  • böyük sanatçı oğuz yılmaz'ın "gördün mü" adlı eserini yazarken esinlendiği parça.
hesabın var mı? giriş yap