• 17. yüzyıl britanya, metafizik şairlerinden biri. galli'dir ve kendisi gibi ünlü filozof (simyaci?) ikizi vardır thomas vaughan. dini ve mistik şiirler yazmış.
    bu akımın uğraşı şudur: (bkz: metaphysical conceit)
    temsilcileri: (bkz: john donne), (bkz: george herbert), (bkz: andrew marvell)

    leman'a girmiş şairlerden, kendisinden şikayetçi olunduğu bir gün bezgin bekir'in ağzına dolanan şiiri:

    i saw eternity the other night,
    like a great ring of pure and endless light,
    all calm as it was bright;
    and round beneath it, time, in hours, days, years,
    driven by the spheres,
    like a vast shadow moved, in which the world
    and all her train were hurled.
    the doting lover in his quaintest strain
    did there complain;
    near him, his lute, his fancy, and his flights,
    wit's sour delights,
    with gloves and knots, the silly snares of pleasure,
    yet his dear treasure,
    all scattered lay, while he his eyes did pour
    upon a flower.
    ....devamı (bkz: the world)
  • d.1621 - ö.1695

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