• elephant albümünden bir the white stripes şarkısı.

    you have no faith in medicine
    you see the medicine
    you have no faith in medicine
    is there a way to find a cure for this
    implanted in a pill?
    is it just the name upon the bottle
    that determines if it will?
    is the problem youre allergic
    to a well familiar name?
    do you have a problem with this one
    if the results are the same?
    you see the medicine
    you have no faith in medicine
    well strip the bark right off a tree
    and just hand it this way
    dont even need a drink of water
    to make the headache go away
    give me sugar pill
    and watch me just rattle
    down the street
    you see the medicine
    you have no faith in medicine.
  • kimi cevrelerce "seksist" bulunan guzel sarki. jack white bir roportajinda "sadece aradaki farkliligi gostermek istedik, ustunlugu degil" gibisinden bir seyler soylemistir.
  • çok bi led zeppelin tadı veren güzel şarkı.
hesabın var mı? giriş yap