• "rap ile klasik müzik asla ve asla birlestirilmemelidir, birlestiren dombilidir taocudur" atasözünün kafama kazınmasını sağlayan birkaç şarkıdan biri. 2 hafta kadar arkadaki sopranonun kim olduğunu, şarkının orjinalini aradım durdum, bulamadım*..

    buradan "ll cool j" adlı arkadaşa seslenmek istiyorum : yapma canım.. yapma arkadaşım.. git dr dre ile gez, toz, kendine araba helikopter al.. yat al, ev al, porno klip yap.. ama elin yıllarca uğraşıp yazdığı eserleri 5 dakikada piç etme.. adamı mezarından kaldırma..

    bu arada meraklıları için hemmen belirteyim.. mutasyona uğramamış hali : " leo delibes - lakmé".
  • her turlu muzigin usta ellerde oldugu zaman birleştirebilinecegine kanaat getirmemize onayakolan calismalardan biri, 97 cıkışlı the rapsody overture albumunde
    1883 tarihli leo delibe originli lakme eserinin ll cool j calismasi...second hand song olarak adlandirilan bu calismanin lakme'den alinti kismi su sekildedir;

    dôme épais, le jasmin a la rose s´assemble
    rive en fleurs, frais matin, nous appellent ensemble
    sous le dôme épais, oû le blanc jasmin a la rose s´assemble
    sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin
    viens, descendous ensemble...
  • sozluk lyric servisi sunar;

    dear mallika
    i've been missing you in my soul
    haven't seen you in what seems like centuries
    i'm so cold
    and although i know you're safe in paradise
    still i cant help but worry
    for your safety i pay any price
    i'm sorry i didn't recognize your fathers struggle
    but its hard to be understanding with the amounts of task i juggle
    when i think of paradise
    and the natural spring flowing
    i get jealous of your father
    fearing your love for him might be growing

    **dôme épais, le jasmin a la rose s´assemble
    rive en fleurs, frais matin, nous appellent ensemble
    sous le dôme épais, oû le blanc jasmin a la rose s´assemble
    sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin
    viens, descendous ensemble

    dear mallika
    when i held you in my arms
    your skin was like a rose slightly caressed by the sun
    i chose you before anyone
    walked through the garden barefoot
    tasting mangoes in the forest
    my feelings cant be captured by an artist
    it was beautiful in every heavenly way imagined
    you're my hero
    for you id slay any dragon
    dig tunnels to the depths of my own weakness

    i miss all your grandeur your splendor your sweetness
    your eloquence fine raiment's sensitivity
    in a land of thousand paradises
    you're the epitome
    and i'm missing you
    for love intensifies from yearmin
    i have a smoke filled aura
    for my insides are burning
    my love is in your shadows
    my prayers are always near
    and although i live oppressed mallika
    i have no fear
    for i know that destiny will cause our paths to cross
    and i shall process once more
    the love i almost lost
    yes, yes

    dear mallika, sweet mallika
    as for me sweet mallika, my country's in upheaval
    menus hearts have darkened
    seduced by silent evil
    they oppress me for colour, class, even religion
    vacuums filled with narcissism sucking up the living
    colonial mentality
    conquerors of peaceful tribes
    i suffocate and grow weary trying to stand in the tide
    but just knowing that one day ill have mallika by my side
    helps me live on through the storm
    and pull the thorns from my side
  • black mirror dizisinin bir bölümünü andıran 240p'nin altın çağını yaşadığı, seslerin ise cızırtının bir ötesine yeni geçtiği dönemlerden kalma klibi ve insanı düşüncelere sevk eden melodisiyle beni benden alan ve özellikle araba kullanırken dinlemeyi sevdiğim şarkılardan.

    edit: boşluk bırakma!
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