• ing.
    i. advert to: (bir şeye) dikkatini çekmek.
    ii. (ingiliz ingilizcesi) reklam.
  • (bkz: advertisement)
  • ing. önemi azalmak
  • 1993 tarihli modern life is rubbish'in ikinci parçası ve çok eğlenceli. (bkz: blur)

    (food processors are great!)
    it's six o'clock on the dot and i'm half way home
    i feel foul mouthed as i stand and wait for the underground
    and a nervous disposition doesn't agree with this
    i need something to remind me that there's something else

    you need a holiday, somewhere in the sun
    with all the people who are waiting, there never seems to be one
    say something, say something else
    say something, say something else

    advertisements are here for rapid persuasion
    if you stare too long you lose your appetite
    a nervous disposition doesn't agree with this
    you need fast relief from aches and stomach pains

    i need a holiday, somewhere in the sun
    with all the people who are waiting, there never seems to be one
    say something, say something else
    say something, say something else

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
    12, 13, 14, 15, 16

    (you can have it on the rates
    yes, ladies and gentlemen, a one week only special offer.)

    you need a holiday, somewhere in the sun
    with all the people who are waiting, there never seems to be one
    say something, say something else
    go on!
    say something, say something else
    say something, say something else
    say something, say something else
  • bir sözlük yazarı..*
hesabın var mı? giriş yap