• latincede "trans-" öneki ile "dare" fiilinden gelir.

    o da muhtemelen eski yunanca "para-" öneki ve "didonai" fiilinden gelir.

    o halde bu açıdan gelenek anlamındaki "tradition", ihanet ve hıyanet anlamındaki "treason" ile aynı sözcüktür.
  • dinlemesi ve eslik etmesi en zevkli parcalardan biridir fiddler on the roofta
    hele ki erkeklerin girdigi "who day and night" diye girdigi yerde eslik ederken kendinizi ho hooo seklinde gobegini tutarak yuruyen ve sarki soyleyen bir noel baba gibi hissedebilirsiniz, yani en azindan ben oyle hayal ediyorum, tabi anlami cok dusunmeden.

    kipir kipir yahu. babalaaaaaaaar, babalaaaar, gelenek !
  • ingilizce tanim vermek gerekirse; 'peer pressure from dead people'
  • ing. ve alm. gelenek. almancasının artikel'i die, çoğulu die traditionen.

    ve tabii ki fiddler on the roof'un harika giriş parçası. almancası da varmış, bugün öğrendim. meraklısına.

    ingilizcesinin sözlerini sağdan soldan toparlayıp derleyip yazmıştım zamanında buraya schlingel nickimle, ama uçuruldum. hadi bir daha yazayım. tabii ki her tiyatroda ufak tefek farklılıklarla söylenebilir bu sözler.

    "a fiddler on the roof. sounds crazy, no? but here in our little village of anatevka, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck. it isn't easy. you may ask, why do we stay up there if it's so dangerous? we stay because anatevka is our home... and how do we keep our balance? that i can tell you in one word... tradition."

    tradition, tradition... tradition!
    tradition, tradition... tradition!

    "because of our traditions, we've kept our balance for many, many years. here in anatevka we have traditions for everything... how to sleep, how to eat, how to work, how to wear clothes. for instance, we always keep our heads covered and always wear a little prayer shawl... this shows our constant devotion to god. you may ask, how did this tradition get started? i'll tell you - i don't know. but it's a tradition... and because of our traditions, everyone of us knows who he is and what god expects him to do."

    (tevye ve babalar)
    who day and night
    must scramble for a living
    feed the wife and children
    say his daily prayers
    and who has the right
    as master of the house
    to have the final word at home?

    the papa, the papa... tradition!
    the papa, the papa... tradition!

    (golde ve anneler)
    who must know the way to make a proper home
    a quiet home, a kosher home
    who must raise a family and run the home
    so papa's free to read the holy book?

    the mama, the mama... tradition!
    the mama, the mama... tradition!

    at three i started hebrew school
    at ten i learned a trade
    i hear they picked a bride for me
    i hope... she's pretty.

    the sons, the sons... tradition!
    the sons, the sons... tradition!

    and who does mama teach
    to mend and tend and fix
    preparing me to marry
    whoever papa picks?

    the daughters, the daughters... tradition!
    the daughters, the daughters... tradition!

    (hep beraber, herkes kendi parçasını tekrarlar)

    (tevye) "and in the circle of our little village, we've always had our special types. for instance, yente, the matchmaker..."

    (yente) "avram, i have a perfect match for your son, a wonderful girl!"

    (avram) "who is it?"

    (yente) "ruchel, the shoemaker's daughter."

    (avram) "ruchel? but she can hardly see. she's almost blind."

    (yente) "tell the truth, avram, is your son so much to look at? the way she sees and the way he looks, it's a perfect match!"

    (tevye) "and reb nahum, the beggar..."

    (beggar) "alms for the poor, alms for the poor..."

    (lazar) "here, reb nahum, is one kopek."

    (beggar) "one kopek? last week you gave me two kopeks."

    (lazar) "i had a bad week."

    (beggar) "so, if you had a bad week, why should i suffer?"

    (tevye) "and most important, our beloved rabbi..."

    (mendel) "rabbi, may i ask you a question?"

    (rabbi) "certainly, my son."

    (mendel) "is there a proper blessing for the tsar?"

    (rabbi) "a blessing for the tsar? of course. may god bless and keep the tsar... far away from us!"

    "then there are the others in our village. they make a much bigger circle. his honor, the constable, his honor, the priest, his honor, many many others. we don't bother them, and so far they don't bother us. and among ourselves, we always get along perfectly well. of course, there was the time when he sold him a horse, but delivered a mule, but it's all settled now. now we live in simple peace, harmony, ..."

    (birinci adam) "it was a horse."

    (tevye) "no..."

    (ikinci adam) "it was a mule."

    (tevye) "no, please..."

    (birinci adam) "it was a horse."

    (ikinci adam) "it was a mule."

    (tevye) "please, not now!"

    (birinci adam) "it was a horse!"

    (tevye) "please, not now, do me a favour, please, please!"

    - horse!
    - mule!
    - horse!
    - mule!
    - horse!
    - mule!
    - horse!
    - mule!
    tradition, tradition... tradition!
    tradition, tradition... tradition!

    "tradition... tradition... without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as... as a fiddler on the roof!"
  • “gelenek” anlamındaki tradition, ingilizceye 14. yy.da fransızcadan girmiştir. kelimenin eski fransızcadaki karşılığı olan “tradicion” ise latince “vermek, teslim etmek” anlamına gelen “tradere” kökünden türetilmiş olan “traditionem”e dayanmaktadır. kelimenin latince aslının içerdiği ve ingilizcede de aynen kullanılan anlamlar arasından ikisi, “bilgiyi aktarma” ve “bir öğretiyi aşılama”,
    17. yüzyıldan itibaren gelişir; “ihanet” ve “teslim olma” anlamlarını geride bırakır. en sade ifadeyle gelenek, geçmişten günümüze intikal ettirilen ya da miras bırakılan herhangi bir şeydir. kesin ölçütü ise insan eylemlerinin düşünce ve muhayyile aracılığıyla oluşması ve bir kuşaktan diğerine aktarılmasıdır.
  • nisan ayında bir toplantı için gittiğim new yorkta yağmur altında 1 saat bekleyip 80 dolar verip fiddler on the roof'u izleme şansını yakaladığımda müzikalin açılış şarkısı olarak gözlerimi mutluluktan ve işini aşkla yapan insanlara duyduğum saygıdan dolduran parçadır. izleyenler bilir:

    tradition, tradition... tradition!
    tradition, tradition... tradition!
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