• i'm becoming less defined, as days go by
    fading away, well you might say i'm losing focus
    kind of drifting into the abstract in terms of how i see myself
    sometimes, i think i can see right through myself
    sometimes, i think i can see right through myself
    sometimes, i can see right through myself

    less concerned, about fitting into the world
    your world that is, cause it doesn't really matter anymore
    (no, it doesn't really matter anymore)
    no, it doesn't really matter anymore
    none of this really matters anymore

    yes, i am alone, but then again i always was
    as far back as i can tell, i think maybe it's because
    because you were never really real to begin with
    i just made you up to hurt myself

    i just made you up to hurt myself
    yeah, and i just made you up to hurt myself
    i just made you up to hurt myself
    yeah, and i just made you up to hurt myself

    and it worked
    yes it did!

    there is no you, there is only me
    there is no you, there is only me
    there is no fucking you, there is only me
    there is no fucking you, there is only me

    only (x4)

    well, the tiniest little dot caught my eye
    and it turned out to be a scab
    and i had this funny feeling
    like i just knew it's something bad

    i just couldn't leave it alone
    i kept picking at that scab
    it was a doorway trying to seal itself shut
    but i climbed through

    now i'm somewhere i am not supposed to be
    and i can see things i know i really shouldn't see
    and now i know why now, now i know why
    things aren't as pretty on the inside

    there is no you, there is only me
    there is no you, there is only me
    there is no fucking you, there is only me
    there is no fucking you, there is only me

    (bkz: nine inch nails)
  • nicki minajın "ı never fucked wayne, ı never fucked drake" dediği, drakein "ı never fucked nicki cause she got a man" dediği ve lil waynein "ı never fucked nicki and that's fucked up" dediği bol fucklı şarkı. dinlerken ortada br seks dönecek o aşikar da chris brown bunun neresinde diyorum her seferinde. aşçı bahçivana, bahçivan şöföre, şöför uşağa sonra hepsi uşağa tadında şarkı yeminle.
  • tam bilemiyorum hollanda markasi mi kendisi, zannedersem oyle, sukela bir markadir.
    hollanda gibi zevksiz giyimin normal oldugu bir yerde boyle bir magaza nasil mevcut hala anlamis degilim. adamlar her sezonunu bana danisip tasarliyorlar sanki.
    icine girip de ufak ya da buyuk bir seyler almadan ciktigim hic olmadi.
    renkler, tasarimlar, gercekten cok hos.
    ayrica pahali da degil.
  • aref ghafouri'yi izledikten sonra birde enrtysini okuyunca tırstım.

    (bkz: #22219046)
  • mtv terbiye, ahlak, namus, eğitim kurumunun "there is no fucking you" daki fuckingi kesmesiyle piç ettiği şarkı.

    there is no you
    there is only me
    there is no you
    there is only me
    there is no fucking you
    there is only me
    there is no fucking you
    there is only me...

    sabah bir kere dinlenince bütün gün tekrarlanır... videosundaki o çivi midir nedir onların müzikle uyumu tartışılmaz. biliyor adamlar ya...
  • trent reznor'in son yillarda saptigi ve cogu nin sever tarafindan ba$arili bulunan ve sevgi-saygi icerisinde kar$ilanan muzikal cizgiye cok iyi bir referans te$kil etmesiyle zaten kendini sevdirmi$ken, david fincher imzali a$mi$ videosuyla da gonullerde ayri bir taht kurmu$ bulunan nine inch nails urunu. hayir, sozleri falan da dumduz yani. tokat gibi;

    "there is no fucking you, there is only me!"

    adam, sen nesin ya?...
  • bu ara kulağa yükleyip onsuz şurdan şuraya gitmek istemediğim trent reznor'un sesinin tikenlerimi tüy tüy ettiği bildik sevdik bissürü şarkıdan çeşnili leziz şarkı. sözleriyle ezbere kendiliğinden oturanlardan. i just made you up to hurt myself..and it worked..yes it did ahah..o nası bi yes it did'tir sittir..
  • bir giyim markası.
  • 46848437 kere repeatte dinlemem ve bayilmama ragmen, bu sarkida bir hande yener havasi almadim deil. soyle ki:

    less concerned about fitting into the world
    your world that is


    i just made you up to hurt myself
    and it worked.
    yes it did!


    there is no fucking you
    there is only me

    gordugumuzde bu sozleri harfi harfine cevirip bir altan cetin bestesine yerlestirsek, haydi haydi bir hande yener sarkisi elde ediyoruz.

    belki de onemli olan soz degil muzik, bu sarki da bir canli kanit.
  • anthrax'ın doruk noktası. girişteki davulların üstüne bomba gibi düşen bir gitar gürültüsü vardır ki ian şerefsizi neden böylesine bir marka, anlarız.

hesabın var mı? giriş yap