3 entry daha
  • a hard day's night dvd sinin extra features bolumunde kendisiyle sanirim bikac yil once yapilmis bi roportaj vardir.. bu roportajda beatles'in en onemli ozelliklerinden birisi olarak:

    "i always asked them to come up with something new, always forced them not to repeat themselves, and they never objected to this, always came up with something new.." tam metin bu degil ancak buna benzer bir tanimlamaydi, yani bence beatles'in muzik tarihini neden degistirdigiyle ilgili cok onemli bir ipucu, bir donemin (50lerin) muzigini alip kendisinden bu kadar ileriye goturebilen baska bir grup yoktur sanirim..

    george harrison ile ilgili olarak yaptigi yorumda da bi sekilde gunah cikartmistir:
    "the one thing i regret about george is, i never encouraged him enough to compose, because paul and john was in a kind of competition and george was obviously out of that, but i should've encouraged him more, also he composed many songs including one of the best songs in history which is something.."
20 entry daha
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