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  • new york times yazari paul krugman'in 2 eylul 2005 tarihli yazisindan ogrendigimize gore bu kurulus 11 eylul 2001 faciasindan da once amerikan'in basina gelebilecek en muhtemel uc felaketi soyle siralamismis: 1) new york'a yapilacak bir terorist saldirisi, 2) san fransisco'da buyuk bir deprem, 3) new orleans'i vuracak bir kasirga. ustelik houston chronicle gazetesi 2001'de cikan bir yazida bu tehlikelerden en olumculunun new orleans kasirgasi olabileceginden dem vurmusmus.

    9/11 saldirisinin nasil ve ne zaman vuracagini onceden kestirmek zorduysa da, katrina'ya karsi cok daha hazirlikli olunabilirdi. acaba amerika'nin federal ve yerel hukumetleri olasi bir san francisco depremine karsi nasil hazirlanacaklar? bay governator, siz ne dusunuyorsunuz bu konuda?

    krugman "a can't-do government" baslikli yazisinda fema'nin george w. bush yillarinda cok zayifladigini ve federal yoneticilerin bu kurulusa uvey cocuk muamelesi yaptiklarinin da altini cizmis. irak savasi ve federal vergi kesintileri sebebiyle had safhaya cikan ihmalkarliklar hem fema'yi hem de new orleans etrafinda sel kontrolu calismalari yapan "army corps of engineers" grubunu etkisiz hale getirmisler.

    "before 9/11 the federal emergency management agency listed the three most likely catastrophic disasters facing america: a terrorist attack on new york, a major earthquake in san francisco and a hurricane strike on new orleans. "the new orleans hurricane scenario," the houston chronicle wrote in december 2001, "may be the deadliest of all." it described a potential catastrophe very much like the one now happening...."

    "....third question: did the bush administration destroy fema's effectiveness? the administration has, by all accounts, treated the emergency management agency like an unwanted stepchild, leading to a mass exodus of experienced professionals.

    last year james lee witt, who won bipartisan praise for his leadership of the agency during the clinton years, said at a congressional hearing: "i am extremely concerned that the ability of our nation to prepare for and respond to disasters has been sharply eroded. i hear from emergency managers, local and state leaders, and first responders nearly every day that the fema they knew and worked well with has now disappeared....."

    yazinin tamami: http://www.pkarchive.org/column/090205.html

    fema'nin gorevini birak zorunda kalmis baskani michal d. brown'la ilgili olarak: (bkz: #8348831)
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