2 entry daha
  • (yemek ve cay cok guzeldi, o yuzden tembellestim, ve entry'ler bir gun gecikti. neyse, alintilarin hepsi golem'den)

    schopenhauer babinda:

    "if i am not mistaken, schopenhauer alone hit the idea of evolutionary calculation as a rule of vae victis; however, taking it to be the universal evil, he filled the whole world and the stars with it, calling it will. he failed to perceive that will assumes choice; had he grasped that, he would have discovered the ethics of species-creating processes, and hence the antinomy of all knowledge, but he rejected darwin, for being bewitched by the gloomy majesty of metaphysical evil, which he felt to be more consonant with the spirit of the time, he arrived at an overgeneralization, combining the celestial and the animal in one body. of course it is always easier to open an imagined lock than a real one, but then it is easier to open a real lock than to find it if nobody yet knows of its existence."

    schopenhauer'in darwin'in teorisini 'lamarck'inkinin yuzeysel bir cesitlemesi' olarak gorup 'dupeduz deneycilikle' suclamasi da enteresan bi mevzudur. 'dupeduz deneycilik', eheh, alem adam yav su schopenhauer.
5 entry daha
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