6 entry daha
  • ilk olarak dördüncü kitapta bahsi geçen odadır.

    noel balosunda igor karkarof ile dumbledore okullarının sırları hakkında sohbet ederken dumbledore şöyle der.

    “oh ı would never dream of assuming ı know all hogwarts’ secrets, ıgor,” said dumbledore amicably. “only this morning, for instance, ı took a wrong turning on the way to the bathroom and found myself in a beautifully proportioned room ı have never seen before, containing a really rather magnificent collection of chamber pots. when ı went back to investigate more closely, ı discovered that the room had vanished. but ı must keep an eye out for it. possibly it is only accessible at five-thirty in the morning. or it may only appear at the quarter moon — or when the seeker has an exceptionally full bladder.”

    harry snorted into his plate of goulash. percy frowned, but harry could have sworn dumbledore had given him a very small wink.

    serinin sonraki kitaplarında önemli bir yer tutan bu odanın böyle bir detayla ilk kez bahsedilmesi de rowling teyzenin kurgu konusundaki yeteneğinin bir başka örneğidir.
1 entry daha
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