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  • son 100 sayfayı saymazsak, bence serinin en iyi kitabı.

    --- spoiler ---
    faster than light travel işin içine girince her şey saçma bir hal aldı. philotic ağı, ansible'ı bir yere kadar kabullenebildim ama jane'i deus ex machina olarak abuse edip gemiyi şıp diye oradan oraya ışınlamak, sonra dışarda yeni peter ve valentine yaratmak biraz zorlama geldi.

    küçük valentine dururken, çinlilere genetik modifikasyon yapacak virüsü teslim edenin peter olması da son noktayı koydu benim için.

    yine de son 100-150 sayfa dışında her şey harikaydı, sana puanım dokuz kanka...

    bölüm başındaki diyaloglar yine süperdi...

    <today one of the brothers asked me: ıs it a terrible prison, not to be able to move from the place where you’re standing?>

    <you answered …>

    <ı told him that ı am now more free than he is. the inability to move frees me from the obligation to act.>

    <you who speak languages, you are such liars.>


    <the strangest thing about humans is the way they pair up, males and females. constantly at war with each other, never content to leave each other alone. they never seem to grasp the idea that males and females are separate species with completely different needs and desires, forced to come together only to reproduce.> <of course you feel that way. your mates are nothing but mindless drones, extensions of yourself, without their own identity.>

    <we know our lovers with perfect understanding. humans invent an imaginary lover and put that mask over the face of the body in their bed.>

    <that is the tragedy of language, my friend. those who know each other only through symbolic representations are forced to imagine each other. and because their imagination is imperfect, they are often wrong.>

    <that is the source of their misery.>

    <and some of their strength, ı think. your people and mine, each for our own evolutionary reasons, mate with vastly unequal partners. our mates are always, hopelessly, our intellectual inferiors. humans mate with beings who challenge their supremacy. they have conflict between mates, not because their communication is inferior to ours, but because they commune with each other at all.>

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  • bir türlü bulamadığım, nadir kitaba düştüğü için fiyatı direk 100 tl'nin üzerine fırlamış ender serisinin -ender in exile'ı saymazsak- 3. kitabı. bulan ya da satmak isteyen yazarlara selam ederim.
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