• bu şarkı sadece discography adlı toplama albümünde bulunmaktadır. bir de klipte chris in taktığı şapkalar ve duruşu çok ilginçtir.
  • children of bodom'un son albümü olan relentless reckless forever'ın sekizinci şarkısı.

    i’ve been dragged thru mud here
    completely beat up and torn
    but when last nite
    comes back to me i sure as hell know

    we rocked went crazy
    and far beyond
    when i look back
    and ask myself
    was it worth it?

    hell yeah
    ignore the pain
    but i’ll do it again
    tears made of grit
    oh yea, it was worth it

    withdrawl kickin in, i can’t shake it
    yet in one way i have to take it

    i’ll rock, go nuts
    and far beyond
    and i look back
    i don’t need to know
    was it worth it?
  • introsundaki riff'i çok sevdiğim şarkıdır.
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