• (bkz: nvas)
  • sanal uçuş meraklılarının üzerinde simulatorleri ile ve air traffic controllerlar eşliğinde sivil veya askeri uçuş yaptığı, sanal havayolları* bünyesinde uçtuğu ve tüm dünyada üye sayısı 50.000'i bulmuş olan ve hızla büyüyen network. oldukça iyi işleyen bir düzenlemeler ve kurallar bütünü ile tüm dünyadaki firlari çeşitli regionlar ile bölmüş ve işletmektedir.
  • vatsim ana sayfasindan alintidir:

    about vatsim

    an introduction into the great hobby of online flight simulation and simulated air traffic control

    it wasn't long ago when the whole world was ours alone. beginning with microsoft's flight simulator version 5.0, we could simulate flying to many parts of the world. flying, however, was a very lonely proposition. there were no other airplanes in the skies while we flew enroute and our arrivals at major airports were like landing in ghost towns. there was dynamic scenery and beginning with microsoft's flight simulator 98, multi-player capability to keep you company. but other than that, flight simulator, as wonderful a program as it has been throughout its history, fell flat when it came to simulating air traffic control.

    in 1997, all of that changed with the introduction of squawkbox©, an add-on program for flight simulator 95/98, and procontroller©, a stand alone program. over time, squawkbox© has been revised several times and now works with all major flight simulation programs including microsoft flight simulators 95, 98 and 2000, precision simulator and the fly! series of programs. through the use of procontroller and the internet, people operating as air traffic controllers could track and control aircraft in real time as they flew in flight simulator by utilizing a simulated radar screen. pilots, using squawkbox, could now talk to and receive air traffic control from people using procontroller©. soon thereafter, various organizations were established to bring order and structure to this new wrinkle in the hobby.

    the virtual air traffic simulation network, known as vatsim.net or "vatsim" was created in 2001 by a group of individuals who came together with a goal of creating an organization which truly served the needs of the flight simulation and online air traffic control community. with an eye towards more than just providing a network of computers for users to log into, vatsim is an online community where people can learn and, at the same time, enjoy the pastimes of flight simulation and air traffic control simulation all while making new friends from all over the world.

    vatsim is not just for individuals who have experience in online flight simulation and atc. it is perfect for both the new user, and the long time "simmer".

    for someone who has just learned about online flight simulation and air traffic control and is interested in real world procedures, vatsim and its members, many of whom bring real world experience and expertise to our community, offer an ideal environment to learn real world skills.

    for pilots, you'll be able to fly with radar service by air traffic controllers who issue instruction and assistance in all phases of flight from getting your clearance to arriving at your destination airport.

    for air traffic control enthusiasts, the entire world is simulated meaning you can work atc virtually anywhere…from a general aviation airport to the busiest airports in the world. nearly all of the real world positions are available for you to choose and learn to work.
    the best part of all of this is that vatsim brings real people together who share your passion for flight and air traffic control. when you contact that controller or pilot, you aren't contacting a computer generated voice or image - you will be communicating with a real person who shares the same interests as you!

    all it takes is a few moments to register and join vatsim. once you do, prepare to learn and be rewarded with friendships that will span the globe. in addition, you'll receive the appreciation and thanks of the online flight simulation and air traffic control communities.

    blue skies…..

  • kurucuları ve yöneticileri arasında abd hava kuvvetlerinden emekli askerler, istihbarat örgütü üyeleri, sivil havacılık otoriteleri gibi insanların olduğu resmen açıklanan bir olgudur. öyle üye olup da, bırakın sanal ikiz kulelere dalmayı, new york üzerinde en ufak rota değişikliği gibi eylemlere "hah haşarı çocuk seni" gibi tepkilerden öte tepkiler verilmektedir, kısaca "oyun değildir".
  • her gün duamı alan bize online uçuş imkanı sağlayan yüce network.
    bir diğeri için (bkz: ivao)
  • bir sözlük zirvesine ev sahipliği yapan network.

    (bkz: eksi sozluk vatsimde ucuyoruz zirvesi)
  • online trafiğini google earth'de görmek için: http://ge.jmo.biz/index2.htm
  • dünyanın her yerinden sanal pilot ve sanal atc leri bir araya getiren oluşum. havacılığa meraklı olan ama bu işle uğraşma imkanı bulamamış kişilerin içlerindeki ukteyi doldurabilecekleri, herşeyin ciddi kurallara bağlı olarak işlediği sanal gökyüzü. herşeyden önce bilinmesi gereken sanal havacılığın alelade bir oyun değil bir hobi olduğu ve sanal havacılar tarafından gayet ciddiye alındığıdır. sanal havacılığa adım atmak isteyenlerin önce bu ortamın kurallarını, işleyişini iyi öğrenmeleri gerekir. bilgi edinmek isteyenler şunlara bir göz gezdirebilir:


    bir diğer sanal havacılık oluşumu için;

    (bkz: ivao)
  • uçuştan sonra unutup* online olarak ltba da bir kaç saat kaldığımda denetleyicileri tarafından ''hayırdır?'' ''4 saattir gate de yatıon pezebenk!!'' tarzına yakın uyarı aldığım network. kokpitte crew party yapıyoruz belki ne baaarıonn.
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