• dead end kings albümünün ilk parçası.

    in the weak light
    i saw you becoming the lie
    taking it all for granted
    like freedom
    it's something you'll never have

    forget what's said
    and hear me sing to you
    how i've set out to kill my soul
    the nightward ways
    the labour it brings
    the verdict that i came for
    migration's song

    patterns of death overwhelms
    fixation rise
    i came along the way
    and came to a conclusion
    the indifferent sky
    is made of lead and so beautiful
    come to will

    the parting
    end origin
    fade into earth

    times ablaze
    under the flags we chose
    denied my step and froze my heart
    yet i stare
    with nothing left to do
    the verdict that i came for
    migration's song

    take your well deserved step
    into darkness
    i'll become your eyes
    you have no other
    we have to walk along this wire
    trust the one that never trusted you
  • bunalım dönemlerimde sıkça dinlediğinde paradoksal bir etkiyle kişi üzerinde olumlu bir ruh hali oluşturabilen melankolik katatonia parçası.
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