• ansel adams'in fotograf üzerine yazdigi meshur üçleme.

    i. the camera
    ii. the negative
    iii. the print

    ansel amca isin teknik tarafini anlatir bu kitaplarda.

    ulan ya tutarsa diyerek doldurdugum "kitap talep formu"nu dikkate alarak fotograf meraklisi itü'lüleri bu cânim kitaplara kavusturan itü kütüphane ve dokümantasyon daire baskanligi'na tesekkürlerimle.

    amazon'un izahatini da ilâve edelim:

    the camera, together with the negative and the print, comprise the ansel adams photography series, a legendary triad of books about photographic technique that has become the most influential "how-to" series on photography ever written. the first edition of this series was completed in the 1950s. adams completely revised and updated it just a few years before his death, making it his last word on the technical mastery of his medium. three generations of photographers have learned how to approach the artistic possibilities of their art form through this seminal series. now available in paperback, it remains as vital today as when it was first published.
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