• oyun dunyasinin en buyuk insanlarindan biri. ekibiyle birlikte efsanevi spellcasting serisini, planetfall, leather goddesses of phobos, zork zero, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy gibi harika oyunlari yapmislardi. kisacasi olay budur, otesi yoktur.
  • infocom'un demirbaşlarından meretzky baba artık boffo games için çalışıyor.
  • games credited:

    sinistar unleashed (1999), thq inc.
    the space bar (1997), segasoft
    hodj 'n' podj (1995), virgin interactive entertainment
    superhero league of hoboken (1994), legend entertainment company
    eric the unready (1993),
    frederik pohl's gateway (1992), legend entertainment company
    leather goddesses of phobos 2 (1992), infocom
    rex nebular and the cosmic gender bender (1992), microprose
    spellcasting 301: spring break (1992), legend entertainment company
    spellcasting 201: the sorcerer's appliance (1991), legend entertainment company
    spellcasting 101: sorcerers get all the girls (1990), legend entertainment company
    lane mastodon vs. the blubbermen (1988), infocom
    zork zero: the revenge of megaboz (1988), infocom
    beyond zork: the coconut of quendor (1987), infocom
    stationfall (1987), infocom
    leather goddesses of phobos (1986), infocom
    a mind forever voyaging (1985), infocom
    the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (1984), infocom
    sorcerer (1984), infocom
    planetfall (1983), infocom
  • game developers conference 2004'e katılmış.

  • "wasted day. wasted life. dessert, please."
  • "he read his obituary with confusion."

    " time traveler's thought: "what's the password?" "

    "i win lottery. sun goes nova."

    "steve ignores editor's word limit and"

    " leia: "baby's yours." luke: "bad news…" "

    "parallel universe. bush, destitute, joins army."

    " dorothy: "fuck it, i'll stay here." "
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