• barry manilow'un me$hur copa cabana'si uzerine yazilmi$ cilgin sozler ve muhte$em bir parodi. vokaller mark jonathan davis, geri vokaller loretta mendoza.
    a$agidaki linkte daha cok ayrinti bulunabilir, ama yine de cengaver olarak sozlerini de vereyim tam olsun:

    (leia: "help me obi-wan kenobi, you're my only hope")
    (artoo: beeps)

    her name was leia, she was a princess,
    with a danish on each ear, and darth vader (vader: breath sounds/davis sfx) drawing near.
    so artoo detoo, found ben kenobi. (ben: "obi-wan")
    he'd have to put the death star plans, into the rebellion's hands.
    so luke and obi-wan, had to get to alderaan,
    so they stopped into mos eisley, to have a drink with han...

    at the star wars, [star wars!], star wars cantina, [star wars cantina]
    the weirdest creatures you've ever seen-a!
    [here, at the] star wars, [star!], {star wars cantina,
    music, and blasters, and old jedi masters, at the star wars!...}

    (greedo: "oota-do-ta, solo?")
    his name was solo (han: "han solo"), he was a pilot (millenium falcon flying by)
    with a blaster at his side (solo's blaster firing), and a smile twelve parsecs wide,
    there with chewbacca (chewie: "roar"), he was a wookiee.
    they met with luke and obi-wan, about the millenium falcon.
    docking bay ninety-four (ben: "ninety-four"), stormtroopers at the door. (three knocks on metal)
    with a flash of ben's lightsaber (saber igniting and swooping), now there's an arm, (surly man: "aaaargh!") on the floor...

    at the star wars, [star wars!], star wars cantina, [star wars cantina]
    the weirdest creatures you've ever seen-a!
    [here, at the] star wars, [star!], {star wars cantina,
    music, and blasters, and old jedi masters, at the star wars!...}

    (ben: "mos eisley spaceport. you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. we must be cautious.")

    his name was yoda, he was a muppet. (yoda: "eewohew!", like grover/davis sfx)
    darth vader was so bad, and by the way he's luke's dad.
    luke kissed his sister (leia kissing luke/davis sfx); his hand got cut off. (saber zap, luke: "aaaaagh!")
    in that galaxy far, far away, luke has had a lousy day.
    boba fett was so mean, jabba had bad hygiene. (davis/jabba: "ho! ho! ho!")
    why didn't they all just relax, back on tatooine...

    at the star wars, [star wars!], star wars cantina, [star wars cantina]
    the weirdest creatures you've ever seen-a! (cantina driod alarm sfx)
    [here, at the] star wars, [star!], {star wars cantina,
    music, and blasters, and old jedi masters, at the star wars!...}

    (ben: "the force will be with you, always")
    [star wars, star wars cantina,] (artoo: beeps and whistles)
    [star wars,] (chewie: growl) [star wars cantina...]
  • hayatimda dinledigim en guzel parodilerden bir tanesidir, cok eylencelidir, ayaa kalkilip gobek atarak eslik bile edilinebilir*.
  • ayni zamanda spoiler icerir, ama bilmeyen kalmadi aslinda skywalker ailesinin tum pislikleri magazin programlarinda afise edildi, falan falan falan...
  • ilk trilogynin belki akıllarda en çok kalan sahnelerinden biri... türlü türlü mahlukatın bulunduğu bu renkli yerde geçen sahnelerin çekimleri için istiklal caddesinden figüran toplanmış olma ihtimali söz konusudur...
  • "his name was yoda, he was a muppet" kısmını ilk duyuşumda gülmekten yere devrileyazmama sebep olan şarkı.
  • her dinlenişinde "öyle de oluyomuş böyle daha bi şahane oluyomuş bu" nidalarına neden olan müzik olayı...
    (bkz: richard cheese)
  • dioramasını yeni bitirdiğim tüm yaratıklarını tamamladığım pislik leş star wars ıv de geçen bar .
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