• ingilizler bu motifi çok seviyor galiba, illa ki dişi personamız yorgun argın eve gelir, canı sıkkındır, eski günleri hatırlar- opsiyonel olarak bu arada flashbacklerle bize o günler anlatılabilir de- belki de zaten hiç alamamıştır istediğini hayattan. sonra eline ya bir fincan kahve, ya da she gets out the scrapbook'ta olduğu gibi bir kadeh şarap alır, arkadaşlarını arar, böylece geceyi geçirmeye çalışır. sırtını işçi sınıfının alışkanlıklarına dayamış bir gelenek olsa gerek bu, bir ucu ta the waste land'deki daktilocu kıza uzanan gelenek.

    pulp, his n hers albümünden. güzel şarkıdır.

    she likes to watch the moon as it travels through the sky
    'cos she's heard that it's romantic, though she really can't see why.
    someone should have helped her through the day.
    someone like the moon.
    so she drinks a cup of coffee & telephones a friend
    and she asks if she can make it so this night will never end.
    someone should have helped her through the day...etc.
    but the light comes and the day bleeds through the sky & the sun
    the sun makes it hard to get through & the radio only plays love songs so she cries
    though she knows it's such a bad thing to do.
    in the evening it gets better
    and she thinks how it's not right that someone so stupid can so easily screw up your life.
    someone should have helped her through the day...etc.
    but the light came and the day bled through the sky & the sun
    the sun made it hard to get through & the radio only played love songs so she cried
    though she knew it's such a bad thing to do.
    can't you see? can't you see?
    someone should have helped her through the day.
    someone like the moon.
hesabın var mı? giriş yap