• kimsesiz, yoksul ya da cenazesi kimse tarafindan sahiplenmemis olanlarin gomuldukleri toplu mezarlara verilen addir. yalniz isleyis itibariyla sozgelimi bir katliam sonrasi yapilan toplu mezarlardan ayrisirlar. buraya gomulen 'anonim' cesetlerin ayrintili kayitlari tutulur ve belirlenmis bir sure icinde mevtanin bir yakini cikagelir ise kendisine ceset iade edilir.

    ismin hikayesi incil yeni ahitten gelmektedir. rivayete gore soyledir ki, yahuda* isa'yi ispiyonlamasinin sonucu kendisine verilen 30 gumusu rahiplere geri atar. bu parayi alan rahipler de kudus'te olenlerin gomulmesi icin ekim yapilamayacak kadar verimsiz, ancak comlekcilerin kullanabildikleri topraklardan bir arazi satin alirlar.

    new york sehrinin ilk potter's field'i su an washington square park'in bulundugu arazidir. ardindan buradan kaldirilan cesetler gunumuzde bryant park olan yere tasinmis, en sonunda da hart island'a yerlestirilmislerdir.
  • foreign affairs de yer alan bir tom waits eseri. sözleri *

    well you can buy me a drink and i'll tell you what i seen
    and i'll give you a bargain from the edge of a maniac's dream
    that buys a black widow spider with a riddle in his yarn
    that's clinging to the furrow of a blindman's brow
    i'll start talking from the brim of a thimble full of whiskey
    on a train through the bronx that will take you just as far
    as the empty of a bottle to the highway of a scar
    that stretched across the blacktop of my cheek like that
    and then ducks beneath the brim of a fugitive's hat
    and you'll learn why liquor makes a stool pigeon rat on every face
    that ever left his shadow down on saint marks place

    hell i'd double cross my mother if it was whiskey that they payed
    and so an early bird says nightsticks on the hit parade
    and he ain't got a prayer and his days are numbered
    and you'll track him down like a dog
    well it's a tough customer you're getting in this trade
    ã“ause the nightstick's heart pumps lemonade
    well whiskey keeps a blindman talkin alright
    and i'm the only one who knows just where he stayed last night

    he was in a wreckin yard in a switchblade storm
    in a wheelbarrow with nothing but revenge to keep him warm
    and a half a million dollars in unmarked bills
    was the nightstick's blanket in a febuary chill
    and as the buzzard drove a crooked sky
    he was dealin high chicago in the mud
    and stackin' the deck against a dragnet's eye
    a shivering nightstick in a miserable heap
    with the siren for a lullaby singing him to sleep
    he was bleeding from a buttonhole
    torn by a slug fired from the barrel of a two dollar gun
    that scorched a blister on the grip of a punk by now
    is learnin what you have to pay to be a hero anyhow

    he dressed the hole in his gut with a hundred dollar bandage
    a king's ransom for a bedspread that don't amount to nuttin
    just cobweb strings on a busted ukulele
    and the nightstick leaned on a black shillelagh
    with the poison of a junkie's broken promise on his lip

    he staggered in the shadows screaming i ain't never been afraid
    and he shot out every street light on the promenade
    past the frozen ham and eggers at the penny arcade
    throwin out handfuls of a blood stained salary
    they were dead in their tracks at the shootin gallery
    and they fired off a twenty one gun salute
    and from the corner of his eye he caught the alabaster orbs
    and from a dime a dance hall girl and stuffed a thousand dollar bill
    in her blouse and caught the cruel and unusual punishment of her smile
    and the nightstick winked beneath a rainsoaked brim
    ain't no one seen hide nor hair of him see
    no one but a spade on rikers island and me
    and so if you're mad enough to listen to a full of whiskey blindman
    then you're mad enough to look beyond where bloodhounds dare to go
    so if you want to know just where the nightstick's hidin out
    you be down at the ferry landin oh let's say bout half past a nightmare
    when it's twisted on a clock you tell 'em nickels sentcha
    whiskey always makes him talk
    and you ask for captain charon with the mud on his kicks
    he's the skipper of the deadline steamer
    and she sails from the bronx across the river styx
    and a riddle's just a ticket for a dreamer

    cause when the weathervane's sleepin and the moon turns his back
    you crawl on your belly long the railroad tracks
    and cross your heart and hope to die and stick a needle in your eye
    cause he'd cut my bleedin heart out if he found out that i squealed
    cause you see a scarecrow's just a hoodlum
    who marked the cards that he dealed
    and pulled a gypsy switch
    out on the edge of potter's field
  • foreign affairs'teki değişik hikâyelerden biri.
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