• ally mc beal'de sirketin patronlarindan richard fish'in hayat felsefesi...para esittir guc ve kadinlar anafikrini tasiyan sözleri...
  • bir arizona dream tandansı.

    the fish doesnt think
    cause the fish knows everything
  • richard fish'in tipik amerikan avukat tandansini yansittigi one surulen ya$am stili. bazi maddelerine katilmamak elde degil. eglenceli sonuclar dogurabiliyor.

    dizi icerisinden orneklemek gerekirse:
    "if somebody's dead, there's money."
    "we extort, that's what we do."
    "it's not just winning, it's winning ugly that counts."
    "women need to feel dominated even when they say they don't."
    "it's not about pleasing you, the idea is to make me happy."
    "a person would never even buy a car if he were told he'd have to drive it for life - it's silly."
    "true love means short refractory time."
    "low blow. excellent."
    "i'd do it myself if i knew the law. bygones."
    "you're a man, you're breathing, under title seven, you're liable."
    "...men love any woman they want to sleep with. it's the ticket to admission."
    "personal questions don't bother me, ally, i just lie."
    "frankly, i'm tired of this equality thing."
    "that remark would hurt if i had feelings."
    "...sex for men...when it's right, it's right, when it's wrong, it's still right."
    "she licked my finger. i'm human. asset. firm. bygones."
    "you crushed his porsche, next best thing to his penis. bygones."
    "if you want a guy, you gotta go out and grab him, just grab him--that's why god gave man the handle, for women to latch onto."
    "lasting happiness only comes with money."
    "i have scruples, i got some for christmas..."
    "i would love for you to get richer, but not at the cost of my own self-respect."
    "i want a signed commitment that all future back-stabbing, lying, stealing, whatever, you'll be doing it for us."
    "if you don't like who you are, if you're truly unhappy with your life, it only means you're ready to have children."
    "you ever want to be partner, mark, ever want to have what it takes to run your own firm? you need to learn to lie. now do it."
    "what do you expect us to do, sit around, have a seance, who do we bill for that?"
    "...john, you got a beautiful woman to go out with you for free, enjoy the milestone, it's a life."
  • “what i’m trying to say is don’t dump her. use her as bait to attract other beautiful women, ones without meat whistles.”
  • "two times two is sixtynine. fishism! billy, have you slept with ally?" diyerekten her bi boku sekse baglayabilen hastalikli dusunce. hastasiyim kendisinin.
  • "you're not who you are, you're only what other people think you are. fishism"
  • (bkz: bygones)
  • işlevsel bir fishism:
    "ally, one of the keys to life: the fast forward. every movie has its lousy parts. the trick is to fast forward through them. as time passes, you look back and say oh, that little adultery thing, oh that. you fast forward to then right now, and you're over it."
  • "helping people is never more rewarding especially if it's in your own self-interest."
  • bir öğretisi de şu şekildir:
    "love is a bridge ally ,you can not trust on it.the only thing that you can trust is money.once you have it,everything will follow".*
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