• penumbra şarkısı.

    i can hear their laughter
    whistling in the wind
    this is my punishment
    the price of my betrayal
    i can feel their hate
    floating in the air
    i can see their faces
    i can feel their fear
    death can be a refuge
    this is the sad privilege
    i have inherited
    for ever
    why can't i move
    everything's confused
    how did i get here
    strange i feel no fear
    my body's floating
    the earth is moving
    oh set me free
    please forgive me

    come to me
    my sweet angel
    i will set you free
    and i'm falling apart

    soon you will rest forever in me
    can't you see i'm falling apart
    you will lay under sycamore leaves
    come i wish to die

    i'll bring you to the kingdom you seek

    in your last moment of reason
    i can see your smile
    maybe you will know the peace
    you always tried to find
    i thought a fallen love
    would be enough for you
    but you wanted more
    much more
    you will never satisfy
    your craving for vengeance
    neither will i
    it hurts deep inside
    in my agony
    i see my enemies
    they will be the keepers
    of my final destiny
    this is the end of the play
    look around you
    what do you see
    your quest has made you blind
    and you will know this story
    but don't expect compassion
    don't expect emotion

    i have only death to offer
    to spare her suffering
    to prevent her madness
    from killing her slowly
    forgive me my love
    for this last deed
    this is the only thing
    i can give you

    so the angels have forseen
    your quest has made you
  • buluruz bunu..

    (zira genelde "please find enclosed the application information you have requested." $eklinde kullanılır)
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