• zavalli jack o kutunun icinde ne yer ne icer, bide kutu her acildiginda gulumseyerek disari cikmak zorunda iste
  • yanında kurma kolu olan kutunun içindeki yaylı palyaço kafası... kapak aniden açılır ve kafa dışarı fırlar korkutur insanı falan
  • aslen 'jack in a box'tir. amerikali bi serngilim vardi ona almistim boyle antika bi tane. suferdi. keske kendime saklasaydim. kafama...
  • reklamları süper olan fast food mekanı
  • dort sahane fransiz adamdan olusan grup.
  • (bkz: habit)
  • bir konyak* kokteyli.

    4.5 apple brandy
    -yarım limonun suyu
    -1 çay kaşığı grenadine

    kırılmış buzla iyice çalkalayın. kokteyl bardağına süzün.
  • cok yiyince midenizi bulandiran baconlu hamburgerleri olan fast food zinciri
  • bir elysian fields parcasi. bleed your cedar albumunden.

    it's been seven years now, living in this box
    closed in on all sides, no light, just dark
    he kept me under the bed, i'd pray for it to stop
    he'd lock me safely away, and lie on top
    pop the latches open the hatches
    out comes jack in the box
    doing tricks and taking licks
    out comes jack in the box
    i was an uncut marionette hanging by steel cable threads
    i was a shadow dancer a thousand shades of red
    there's too much light it's far too bright
    i see things much too clearly
    there's too much light, it far too bright
    weary, oh so weary
    if this is all of life outside
    please put me where i am happy
    where i won't know what to think of this
    black in black, almost sleeping
    pop the latches open the hatches, out comes jack in the box
    doing tricks and taking licks, out comes jack in the box
    please lock me up
    shut me up
    shut up your jack in the box
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