• valencianada orxata diye yazılan, fındık büyüklüğünde cins yer elmasından yapılan, valencia'da her köşe başında bulabileceğiniz içecek: orxata de xufes
  • (bkz: aguas frescas)
  • kuzey amerikada hispanik kesimin yasadigi yerlerde kolayca bulunabilen, pirinc ve tarcindan yapilmis serinletici guzel icecek. ucuzdur da.
  • tadı, söylendiği gibi güzel olmayan içeçek.
  • vampire weekend'in ocak 2010'da yayınlanacak albümü contra'dan çıkan ilk parça, şu an kendi sitelerinden (http://www.vampireweekend.com/) üye falan olunmadan indirilebiliyor. sözleri:

    in december drinking horchata
    i'd look psychotic in a balaclava
    winter's cold is 2 much 2 handle
    pincher crabs that pinch at your sandals

    in december drinking horchata
    look down your glasses at that aranciata
    with lips and teeth to ask how my day went
    boots and fists to pound on the pavement

    here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
    chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on

    you'd remember drinking horchata
    you'd still enjoy it with your foot on masada

    winter's cold is 2 much 2 handle
    pincher crabs that pinch at your sandals

    here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
    chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on
    oh you had it but oh no you lost it
    looking back you shouldn't have fought it

    in december drinking horchata
    i'd look psychotic in a balaclava

    winter's cold is 2 much 2 handle
    pincher crabs that pinch at your sandals
    years go by and hearts start to harden
    those palms and firs that grew in your garden
    are falling down and nearing the rosebeds
    the roots are shooting up through the tool shed
    those lips and teeth that asked how my day went
    are shouting up through cracks in the pavement

    here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
    chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on
    oh you had it but oh no you lost it
    you understood so you shouldn't have fought it

    here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
    chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on

    here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
    chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on
  • gerek sozleri gerekse melodisi ile bizleri kendine hayran birakmis super otesi sarkidir, dinledikce bi kosu guney amerika'ya ucup horchata icesimiz gelir, ki icinde pirinc falan var diyorlar aman nasil olur tadi bilinmez ama deneriz artik napalim. hersey vampire weekend icin.
  • biraz sulandırılmış boza gibi. sevilla'da katedral meydanında köşede bir pastane var. işte dünyanın en güzel horçatası orada yapılır ve içilir. çünkü ben orda içtim. bir daha da içmek nasip olmadı.ortamın en güzel kızı dünyanın en güzel kızıdır.
  • (bkz: farton)
  • your foot on masada demelerindendir ki şüphelenirim: türk olabilirler!
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