• cure'ün süfer parçası, yanılmıyorsam bloodflowers'dan...
  • there is no if
    remember the first time i told you "i love you"
    it was raining hard and you never heard
    you sneezed
    and i had to say it over
    i said "i love you", i said
    you didn't say a word
    you just held your hands
    to my shining eyes
    and i watched as the rain ran through your fingers
    held your hands
    to my shining eyes
    and smiled as you kissed me
    "if you die", you said
    "so do i", you said
    and it starts the day you make the sign
    tell me i'm forever yours
    and you're forever mine
    forever mine...
    "if you die", you said
    "so do i", you said
    and it starts the day you cross that line
    swear i will always be yours
    and you'll be always be mine
    you'll always be mine
    always be mine...
    remember the last time i told you i love you
    it was warm and safe in a perfect world
    you yawned
    and i had to say it over
    i said "i love you", i said
    you didn't say a word
    just held your hands
    to your shining eyes
    and i watched as the tears ran through your fingers
    held you hands
    to your shining eyes
    and cried
    "if you die", you said
    "so do i", you said
    but it ends the day you see how it is
    there is no always, forever
    just this
    just this
    "if you die", you said
    "so do i", you said
    but it ends the day you understand
    there is no if
    just when
    there is no if
    just when
    there is no if
  • kendinden emin insan $ekli.
  • only reef.
  • en zararlı the cure eserlerinden biri.bıkmadan saatlerce dinlenebilir.arkasından trust dinlenirse bünye üzerindeki tahribat etkisi yükselir.
  • bana robert smith le aramda ya$anmi$ olan eski husumetleri unutturup, bi ko$u hemen cd sini aldirttiracak kadar guzel $arki.
  • kesinlikle sevgiliye soylenmemesi gereken. ne zaman dinlesem agladigim bir sarki.acayip uzucu ama gerçek
  • bunyeye zarar sarkilardan biridir kendisi ozellikle playlistte arkasindan apart filan koyarsaniz ya da this is a lie gelirse. ama tek basina da yetebilir ki zaten cure yani bu...
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