• shivaree'nin çok güzel olan bir parçası "black session" albümünde yer almakta..
  • joe satriani'nin not of this earth albümünde yer alan; ritm, sound ve clap efektleriyle hepten aerobik müziğine benzeyen 4:40'lık sevimli bir parça.
  • (the si olmasa) nokia telefonlarin vazgecilmez oyunu
  • al wilson ın muhteşem parçası. " sighed the snake " kısmında adeta tıssslar kendileri; sözler gelsin evet;

    on her way to work one morning
    down the path along side the lake
    a tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake
    his pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
    "oh well," she cried, "i'll take you in and i'll take care of you"
    take me in oh tender woman
    take me in, for heaven's sake
    take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

    she wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk
    and then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
    now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived
    she found that pretty snake she'd taking in had been revived
    take me in, oh tender woman
    take me in, for heaven's sake
    take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

    now she clutched him to her bosom, "you're so beautiful," she cried
    "but if i hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
    now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight
    but instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite
    take me in, oh tender woman
    take me in, for heaven's sake
    take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake

    "i saved you," cried that woman
    "and you've bit me even, why?
    you know your bite is poisonous and now i'm going to die"
    "oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin
    "you knew damn well i was a snake before you took me in
    "take me in, oh tender woman
    take me in, for heaven's sake
    take me in oh tender woman," sighed the snake
  • oscar brown jr. dan dinlenilmesi gereken sarki.

    her kadin hayatinda bir kez olsun yardim ettigini sandigi yilan tarafindan sokuldugundan olmali cok sevilmesi.
  • liverpool five tarafindan da coverlanmis oscar brown jr in soul'a armagan ettigi sarki.
  • mediaeval baebesin the rose albümünden oldukça tempolu ve hoş bir şarkı.

    hani belki eşlik etmek*, ben de eksik kalmayayım bu coşkudan demek isteyenler olabilir, o yüzden sözlerini de yazayım eksik kalmasın***

    era vn ortolano byen simpre e syn mal
    en el mes de enero con fuerte tenporal
    andando por su huerta, vido so vn peral
    vna culebra chica, medio muerta atal

    con la nieue e con el viento e con la elada fria
    estaua la culeba medio amodorrida
    el omne piadoso que la vido aterida
    doliose mucho della, quisole dar la vida

    tomola en la falda e leuola a su casa
    pusola çerca de fuego, çerca de buena blasa
    abiuo la culebra ante que la el asa
    entro envn forada desa cosina rrasa

    aqueste ome bueno da uale cada dia
    del pan e de la leche e de quanto el comia
    creçio con el grand vyçio e con el grand bien que
    tenia, tanto que sierpe grande a todos paresçia

    venido eselestio, la siesta affyncada
    que ya non avia miedo deviento nin de elada
    salyo de aquel forado sañuda e ayrada
    començo de enponçoñar con venino la posada

    dixole el ortolano, "vete de equeste lugar
    non fagas aqui dapño!" elle fuese en-sañar
    ablaçolo tan fuerte que lo querria afogar
    apretandolo mucho, cruel mente, syn vagar

    era vn ortolano byen simpre e syn mal
    en el mes de enero con fuerte tenporal
    andando por su huerta, vido so vn peral
    vna culebra chica, medio muerta atal

  • lana lubany'in kendini dinlettiren, gerçekten çok başarılı bi şarkısı.
hesabın var mı? giriş yap