• --- spoiler ---

    i am a ridiculous person. now they call me a madman. that would be a promotion if it were not that i remain as ridiculous in their eyes as before. but now i do not resent it, they are all dear to me now, even when they laugh at me — and, indeed, it is just then that they are particularly dear to me. i could join in their laughter — not exactly at myself, but through affection for them, if i did not feel so sad as i look at them. sad because they do not know the truth and i do know it. oh, how hard it is to be the only one who knows the truth! but they won’t understand that. no, they won’t understand it. in old days i used to be miserable at seeming ridiculous. not seeming, but being. i have always been ridiculous, and i have known it, perhaps, from the hour i was born.
    --- spoiler ---
  • bir magnolian şarkısı. havaların soğuduğu bu günlerde herhangi bir gün batımı sırasında yapılan bir yürüyüşte dinlemelik.

    well i'm going to sleep
    for the last time
    for the first time
    you know i'm through

    i want
    you to notice
    you to know this
    but you won't have clue

    i wish
    that you knew me
    so we could be
    like a drums on roll

    and all
    of my family
    will regret me
    and forget me too

    now i'm through
    forget me now.
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