• cok iyi bir gov't mule sarkisi... igrenc bir akustik versiyonunun download etmisim o ayri... cok iyi bir sarkinin igrenc bir akustik versiyonu nasil olur, o apayri bir soru... bu aksamlik bu kadar soru yeter... buyrun lyricler:

    lips that are as warm could be,
    lips that speak to soon.
    lips that tell a story,
    sad and deep as you.

    smile thats warm as summer sun,
    smile that gets you through.
    smile that tells a story,
    sad and deep as you.

    the eyes that are the window,
    eyes that are the view.
    eyes that tell a story,
    sad and deep as you.

    tears that are unspoken words,
    the tears that are the truth.
    tears that tell a story,
    sad and deep as you.
  • aslen traffic grubunun bir parçası, 70'lerden. (bkz: dave mason)
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