• (bkz: pig)
  • pig isimli underground kısa filme beraber soyundukları nico b 'nin, rozz'un ölümü üzerine hipmagazine.com'a yaptığı bir açıklama, nasıl bir ruh hali içinde hayatına son verdiğini çarpıcı bir şekilde ortaya koyuyor:

    "hip: tell me about that night that you got the message from rozz about him meeting his demise.

    well, it's hard to talk about it, but he actually left a message the day before he died on my answering machine like in the middle of the night, but sadly i was already sleeping. i think he called like four o'clock at night. he just left a message that he was very depressed and he needed to talk with somebody. he actually talked with another friend of his, and he was telling her that he was planning to commit suicide and he was getting scared. well, she actually talked him out of it, she thought so. the next day i was planning to see a movie with him at two o'clock in the afternoon. he didn't mention anything about suicide to me on the message, but he sounded desperate. i was getting worried because i was calling him and nobody was picking up the phone, and i called like ten times. then his roommate came home at five o'clock and he heard all the messages on the answering machine, and he started wondering what was going on because he knew he was going to this movie with me, so he was like, "what's going on?". then he found out that rozz's room was locked. he broke the door open and he found him."
  • 98 yilinda intihar eden christian death esas adami, solisti.
  • benim için çok farklı ve yetenekli bir adamdı. aslında hikayeye sonda başlamış gibiydi çünkü takma ismini bir mezartaşından almıştı. sevdiğim insanların büyük çoğunluğu gibi uzun zaman uyuşturucu kullandı sonunda kendini öldürmeye ikna oldu.
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