• stanford üniversitesi'nde cultural and social anthropology profesörü olan 16 haziran 1959 doğumlu, amerikalı antropolog.

    tam sıralı yayınları:
    1990, the anti-politics machine: development, depoliticization, and bureaucratic power in lesotho
    1997, editor, culture, power, place: explorations in critical anthropology (with akhil gupta)
    1997, editor, anthropological locations: boundaries and grounds of a field science (with akhil gupta)
    1999, expectations of modernity: myths and meanings of urban life on the zambian copperbelt
    2006, global shadows: africa in the neoliberal world order
    2010, the uses of neoliberalism
    2015, give a man a fish: reflections on the new politics of distribution
    2021, presence and social obligation: an essay on the share
  • antropologlarin haslarindan birisidir bu adam. akhil gupta ile makaleleri de baya saglam. benim en sevdigim yayini ise james scott'in seeing like a state kitabina yanit verdigi seeing like an oil company baslikli 6 sayfalik bir yazisi. sermayeyi dunya uzerinde belirli noktalara sicrayan, oradan alacagini alip giden bir guc olarak anlatir.
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