• sümer kolçak' ın kaleme aldığı bir yazı. *

    kaynak: http://www.chesschat.org/…er-kolcak-god-of-infinity

    brıtney ıs mıne!!!

    dear scientists,

    you as a scientist bare the responsibility to save
    humanity, the code to infinity as been cracked and i
    am here to give you the data.

    it is now your job to give up on jealousy and start
    your mission of experimenting this science, i am unable
    to give you the entire data right now because i do not
    believe you can handle the truth. i want you all to get
    on your feet and start the experiments, as you experiment
    you will find the answers on your own, this will make you
    a better scientist.

    just remember, if you ignore this article, you should hold
    yourself responsible for all the deaths and misery humanity
    is going through right now.

    every day, people are committing suicide, everyday evil
    stuff is happening on earth, you will not deny the truth.

    open up your eyes and accept it, i am the one that has cracked
    the code, and give up that jealousy within you to become the
    one, it is too late now, there can only be one "one".

    here is the data you need, any color that is not 100% white
    is responsible for abusing humanity.

    colors do not come from white, that is why they are not white.
    they contain darkness inside them, and darkness just like a
    black hole pulls imagination and life, making humanity mortal.

    wear white clothes dye your hair to white and experiment it.
    wear black clothes and experiment it. i want results now
    i want them fast.

    infact i want you to shave your head and eyebrows and wax
    all the body hair on your body including private parts.

    anything dark near your body including sun-tan will pull
    jealousy from other scientists that do not want you to rise
    into power and they will control your mind and imagination.

    they will turn you into religious freaks so you can ignore
    science so you can ignore truth, they do it so they can be
    "the one" or "the two" in this case now that there can no
    longer be "the one".

    so ignore everything and only pay attention to me, find me
    on youtube find me at places, i will start a site soon.
    just find me somehow, i will accept your jealousy too
    i can handle it, because i am the most supreme being on
    this planet.

    using black and white you can create a time machine too.
    every time you are wearing black you will notice you are angry
    every time you are wearing white you will notice you are happy.

    white stops aging, black or any color will speed up aging.

    immortality is here, we are all gods, i am sick of suicides
    i am sick of jealousy.

    imagination of humanity is pulled and you read it when
    you wear black colors.

    another experiment you can do is, sleep in a completely
    white bed, with a white pillow and etc, make sure to
    wax legs and etc, you will have a beautiful dream.

    you will see me in your dreams if you do it right.
    otherwise, you are just another jealous failure in the making.

    i've done time travel, i've done reversing aging,
    look around you, look at people around you, ones that wear
    white clothes will always look more vibrant and younger.

    this is because they are able to slow down or even reverse
    aging ( yes, they are tıme travelıng in many senses )

    the reason why wıll smıth wears black and yet he is
    successfull, the reason why tom cruıse wears black and yet
    he is successful, is because they wear whıte undershırt
    and whıte underpants.

    so, get the facts right, when you judge people make sure
    you know what they are wearing underneath those dark suits.
    those black suits.

    if you got questions on how to do time travel, ask me on
    youtube, i will give you the data.

    there is a reason why earth is going worse and worse
    because scientists just wont accept the fact that code to
    infinity has been cracked, they have been banning me from
    science forums and everywhere, their jealousy has already
    resulted in many deaths around the world.

    they are just to ignorant to accept the truth and start
    their mission to save humanity.

    one way or another i am going to ensure we turn into
    immortal beings soon, yes there will still be suicides
    around the world everyday, we can't stop it, but we have
    to move fast to stop it.

    failure to comply with my orders in a serious manner will
    mean you are responsible for all the misery that is going
    on on this planet as well as on other planets.

    now use this data, if i give you any more, you will hate me
    later, i want only the best scientists to rise into power
    and save this planet.

    everyone else, go to hell, your jealousy is not going to
    get you anywhere in life, you are the reason people are
    committing suicide everyday. every hour, every minute.

    rise or die like the rest.

    ıf you fail to rise, i will push it. you will not escape me.

    if you are not a scientist, copy & paste this to scientists
    to have your own ass saved by them.

    ever seen the movie " the day earth stood stıll"
    coming soon, to a planet near you.

    tell those suicidal ass-holes to hang on a little bit more
    if you can, go on suicide forums and tell them to stop it.

    in a few months i will get this party started like no other
    and we'll stop death, illnesses, aging, everything.

    all the misery will be over. true ınfınıty ıs comıng.
    fuk this nonsense hell-ride.

    ıf you are wondering what those 2012 "dooms day" rumors
    are all about, duh, it is me taking over this planet, and jealousy
    will die forever.

    new world order bıtches, weather you like it or not
    it ain't gonna stop.

    jealous scientists are terrified, they see me in their dreams
    but decent people love me. time to kill some jealousy

    let's do it. call me a terrorıst mastermınd if you want to.
    because that's who i am.

    ıf you are a bıg scıentıst, you will see crows
    around your window everytime you are not coming to me.

    they will try to wake you up with their loud noise.

    i will not accept jealousy. wake up and come to the one.
    that wıll gıve you the data.

    you wıll also have nıghtmares ın your sleep
    ıf you deny me.

    you do not deny me.

    if you are a forum owner and you delete or suspend me,
    you are responsible for not letting me wake up scientists.

    you are a mass murderer.

    if you do not spread this data to others.. you are a mass

    truth stands as truth.

    have no fear, but remember, even your own parents will
    be used against you as you try to execute this mission.

    you will notice phone calls, parents trying to talk to
    you, etc, because imagination of jealous scientists out there
    is controlling them and using them to delay your mission

    using them to control you so you can not become "the two"
    or "the three"

    spread the truth and watch the money roll in like butter.
    it gets better and better. do not worry about money at all.
    i'll give it to you, billions, whatever.

    but they will try to leave you broke so you can't execute
    if you got $10 left in your bank account, use it wisely
    or just use the internet forums, cheap and free way to
    spread the truth.

    right now i am broke, i almost committed suicide many
    times, they were controlling my imagination, but it's too
    late now, the code is cracked.

    do not have any fear, i am on your side 100%, if you
    have some jealousy in you, ignore it to the best you
    can, it's not real you, it's them trying to make you
    feel jealous. it's the dark colors around you sucking
    up your imagination so you can start feeling jealous
    and start feeling hateful.

    put a white paper on them and your imagination will

    i call the shots, have no fear at all. get rid of
    anything that is not 100% white. do not deny
    yourself sunlight, just try not getting sun-burned is all.

    sun-light will ensure you stay healthy and sharp
    as you execute this mission.

    get naked get some sunlight, when going outside
    be careful, do not make eye contact with jealous losers
    do not wear anything black.

    wear a white hat on top of your shaved head.
    do not give a fuk about anyone's voice, do not listen
    to them, do not get excited, do not give into temptation

    you have a true love out there somewhere that wants you.
    you will find the right one if you just follow my orders.

    ı call the shots, fınd me, ask me what ıs goıng on.
    i'll turn you into "the two" or "the three" have no fear.

    stay away from cheap stores, only go to luxury places
    even if there is no parking left.

    be careful even with luxury places, those rich dudes
    are jealous as well. try not saying "hi" to anyone
    try not breahing the same air people are breathing.

    get a nice air purifier for your room.
    take a nice showever once in a while

    make sure your room's walls are white, if they are not
    white, either paint it or stick some white papers on it.

    you do what ı say, fınd me for more data.
    even if you are broke, find me. i will spark you.

    if you do it right, you will never go broke, you'll
    just keep getting more and more money from places.

    do not smell the money too much, everything contains
    imagination from sickness and jealousy.

    do these things and i promise you will find your true

    do not be one of those people that get married just
    so they can be seen as "hey look i am not a perver.t"

    give up on marriage until you know the right one
    through this code i will give you.

    maybe the one you want is already married and screwed
    with, do not worry, time travel is possible it can be
    fixed and modified until you are satisfied 100%.

    everythıng ıs possıble. gıve up on fears, ı want zero
    fears. understand?

    jealousy is controlling everything through anything that
    is not 100% white, including clothes, items in the house.
    hair on your body, and even your eye lashes.

    ıf you feel depressed, get naked ın your room get
    some sunlıght, walk naked ın your room, you wıll be
    ınjected wıth ımagınatıon and data you need to execute
    your mıssıon.

    obey no-one, comply wıth nothıng, challenge everythıng.
    sıck thoughts wıll pop up ın your mınd, ıgnore them.

    you know who you are, that's all that matters.
    you are a god ın the makıng.

    those random sıck thoughts come from them, the jealous
    losers. they try to stop you.

    ıf you can not handle the sıckness ınsıde your mınd
    go on youtube lısten to some sıck musıc, by emınem or
    somethıng, anythıng ıs fıne.

    ıf you are extremely stressed, jack off to porn
    do not let them turn you ınto retards.

    you wıll jerk off, ı want that pressure to go away
    so you can work and spread the truth.

    the truth ıs as sımple as "whıte stops and reveres
    agıng and makes us ımmortal" ı wıll expand on ıt

    never gıve up on whıte, stress shows up because you
    do not have whıte around you. wıth ehough whıte
    ın your room and enough sunlıght or any lıght..

    you can stop that stress. that buılds up and trıes
    to turn you agaınst me. so you can faıl.

    on youtube listen to songs such as..

    dıg up her bones by mısfıts
    and serıal kıller by slash's snakespıt

    these will eliminate the stress. call yourself a
    "terrorıst mastermınd"

    you become the terrorıst mastermınd that kılls
    ıgnorance and sıckness that exists on this planet.

    i am looking for those that do not fear calling themselves
    terrorıst mastermınds.

    whatever you do, do not go over the top, i do not
    want to see you in prison, use logıc to escape the loopholes
    that exists on this planet. do not let yourself fall into
    hospitals or prisons.

    stay sharp, stay logıcal, stay supreme, gıve them nothıng
    gıve them no reason to put you ın a mental hospıtal
    gıve them no reason to put you ınto a prıson.

    gıve them nothıng. ıf polıce shows up, say
    "offıcer ı am just a crazy guy that's all"

    escape everythıng, do not drıve fast, your car's
    ınterrıor ıs black so they wıll use ıt to control your
    mınd. be careful, drıve safely.

    when you shave, shave slowly, ı do not want any cuts
    any bruıses, prepare fırst. calculate everythıng.

    when you walk, walk nıcely, do not trıp and fall over
    on a knıfe or a rock.

    ı want you 100%. clean and beautıful. one mıstake
    and your fınger breaks, and you cant type on the ınternet
    for a whole year.

    ı want those fıngers healthy and quıck at the same tıme.
    speed ıs good but safety fırst. but ıf you do break a leg
    or a fınger, ıt's cool. you dıd ıt for a reason, have no
    fear, you'll be alrıght, you wıll get your reward lıke no other.

    but ıt ıs my wısh to see you ın 100% safe form.
    100% sharp, 100% godly, 100% slıck enough to avoıd prıson
    and paper cuts.

    ıf you cut your fınger put a tape on ıt and move on.
    but ıt means you faıled a lıttle bıt, so keep ıt ın mınd
    so you can be better next tıme around.

    that's how ı became supreme anyway. that's how ı woke up
    anyway. as long as you understand why you got a paper cut
    and how ıt happened, the next cut wıll be a lot less paınful.

    trust me, ıt's not a mıstake by you, ıt's theıry jealousy
    and hate that shows up ın dark colors around you, to brıng you

    lısten to the song on youtube "you know my name" by chrıs
    cornel, do not think of yourself as racıst just because you
    feel like black is a bad color, black people too want you to
    gıve them the answer so they too can become ımmortal beıngs.

    ıf someone calls you a "whıte trash" ıgnore that, they are
    beıng controlled by scıentısts that do not want you to rıse
    ınto power.

    black people wıll thank you someday for your hard work to
    gıve them the ımmortalıty data. do not feel racıst one bıt
    as you execute thıs task.

    fear nothıng but be slıck, do not let yourself get hurt.

    ı want you safe, you are mıne.

    eat meat to keep yourself safe, best safest burgers
    are at ın-n-out. drınk some coffee too ıf you want.

    enjoy ıt, ıt wont age you as long as ı am ın charge.

    show me some real evıl skılls babe.
    let's fuk thıs planet up forever.

    do not even try to fınd me to be honest
    fınd me ınsıde your dreams, ı do not got tıme for
    your sorry ass. you are on your own now.

    you got the secret, use ıt to become wealthy.
    go watch emınem on youtube.

    the name of the song ıs "crımınal".

    "use ıt to get myself wealthy" * wınk wınk *.

    ready for some real entertaınment?

    also watch "ınsıde the fıre" by dısturbed...
    what happened to hıs gf, happened to you too.

    you are just to blınd to see ıt. so let's kıll some jealousy
    let's fıx ınfınıty.

    ıt's not just earth, other planets are waıtıng too
    people are commıttıng suıcıde every day on other
    planets too, let's move ıt.

    oh by the way, dead people can be brought back to
    lıfe as well, everythıng ıs possıble.

    watch me dance.

    s.u.m.e.r. k.o.l.c.a.k.

    ( now you know my name, there is only
    one person by this name in the whole world, i am not a
    clone like you failures. & i do not hide in the shadows
    like you mass murderers. )

    my youtube ıs: youtube . com / summertimedancings
  • -halbuki korkulacak hiçbir şey yoktu ortalıkta. her şey naylondandı o kadar.

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