• beyaz saclari iyice gorunur olmus morrissey'in you are the quarry'sinden, melodisiyle isinilan. sozleri su sekildedir:

    you have never been in love
    until you have seen the stars
    reflect in the reservoirs

    and you have never been in love
    until you have seen the dawn rise
    behind the home for the blind

    we are the pretty, petty thieves
    and you're standing on our streets
    where hector was the
    first of the gang with a gun in his hand
    and the first to do time
    the first of the gang to die, oh my
    hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand
    and the first to do time,
    the first of the gang to die, oh my

    you have never been in love
    until you've seen the sunlight thrown
    over smashed human bone

    we are the pretty, petty thieves
    and you're standing on our streets
    where hector was the
    first of the gang with a gun in his hand
    and the first to do time, the first of the gang to die
    such a silly boy
    hector was the first of the gang with a gun in his hand
    and the bullet in his gullet
    and the first lost lad to go under the sod

    and he stole from the rich and the poor
    and not very rich and the very poor
    and he stole our hearts away
    he stole our hearts away
    he stole our hearts away
    he stole our hearts away
    he stole our hearts away

  • eski guzelcene bir morrissey sarkisi olmasina ragmen hakettiyi ilgiyi gorememis, bulamamis.. lakin yeni albumunde tekrar ismini gorunce bahtiyar olmami saglayip, hoparlorlerimi oynatan da bir parca olmustur.
  • ayrica sozlerinin bazilari morrissey'in oscar wilde'in reading hapisanesi baladi'ndan esinlenerek yazdigini dusundurecek ipuclarina sahiptir.
  • you are the quarry albumunden tekerleme gibi bir morrissey parcasi. albumun en hareketli ve guzel parcalarindan. agza takilip kaliyor. bir sure sonra kendinizi farkinda olmadan sarkiyi mirildanirken bulabiliyorsunuz.
    ayriyeten sarkida adi gecen hector icin (bkz: ilyada).

    you have never been in love
    until you've seen the stars
    reflect in the reservoirs

    and you have never been in love
    until you've seen the dawn rise
    behind the home for the blind

    we are the pretty petty thieves
    and you're standing on our streets
    where hector was the
    first of the gang with a gun in his hand
    and the first to do time
    the first of the gang to die
    such a silly boy

    hector was the first of the gang
    with a gun in his hand
    and the first to do time
    the first of the gang to die
    oh my

    you haven never been in love
    until you've seen the sunlight thrown
    over smashed human bone

    we are the pretty petty thieves
    and you're standing on our streets
    where hector was the first of the gang
    with a gun in his hand
    and the first to do time
    the first of the gang to die
    oh my

    hector was the first of the gang
    with a gun in his hand
    and a bullet in his gullet
    and the first lost lad
    under the sod

    and he stole from the rich and the poor
    and the not very rich and the very poor
    and he stole all hearts away
    he stole all hearts away
    he stole all hearts away
    he stole all hearts away
    he stole all hearts away
    he stole all hearts away
  • ilk kez aşka düşme hadisesinin hassasiyetine dair bir you are the quarry parçası, çalmaya başladigi an kalbin ritmini şaşirtabilen enerjide...

    pazar sabahı then and now'da rastlanılan uykulu gözlerle (+iç geçirerek) izlenen videosu ise morrissey'den bir cevap niteliğinde, o çok iyi bilinen şüpheli sorulara...
  • alexis petridis adindaki ahlaksiz the guardian yazarinin beyenmedigi hatta 2 yildiz ile odullendirdigi you are the quarry albumundeki onun deyisi ile "magnificently breezy tribute"..nicin tribute..efendim soyle bişi sarkida hectoradiyla gecen adam mexicali bir cocuk..daha 19 yaslarinda..asik oluyor bu hector..ama asik oldugu kiz zenginlik pesinde mal mulk pesinde..hector ise entel dantel biraz diyor ki kiz "maddiyat nereye kadar eger spirituel atimlara kucak acmazsak varolussal bedenimizle"..kiz aptal meksikali anlamiyor tabii gidiyor parasi olan baskasina veriyor..sonra hector ufak bir cete kuruyor..robin hoodluk yapmaya basliyor..zenginden alip fakire dagitirken birazda kendini dusunmek icin daha buyuk seyler yapmaya karar veriyor..gidiyor banka soymaya..

    basarisiz banka soygununda hector vurularak ölüyor..anlayacaginiz aslinda sarki bir tribute bir agit..ama boyle enfes bir sey olabilir mi yahu..bir sarki boyle bir agit olabilir mi..

    hectoru kiskaniyor insan cogu zaman..
  • bugün belediye otobüsünde herşeye sinir olmuş küçük çapta bir cinnet geçiren biriyken neyseki track listini bilmediğim cdmden ansızın çalmaya başlayarak herşeyi unutturup derin bir off çektiren şarkı, ilk dinleyişte çok hoş bir melodi var, ikincide hektor diye birinin varlığı fark edilir sonra hektorün hikayesi kendi hikayenizden daha fazla canınızı yakar...
  • kıyıda köşede kalmış hatırlamayacağımız öylesine bir günün en güzel anı gibi bir şarkıdır.
  • seven hector'un such a silly boy ve haliyle toprağın altına ilk giden olduğunu anlatan şarkı.
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