• bugun (bkz: kirinti)'da yemek yerken tv'deki tenis macina anlamsiz anlamsiz bakarken mac ekraninda cikan "break point" yazisini gorup "allah allah ben bu lafi bi yerden hatirliyorum" dedigim kelime obegi..
  • bir programi debug ederken programda cali$masi beklenen herhangi bir kod noktasina konulan ve program cali$tirilip konulan yere gelindiginde program i$leyi$ine ara verilip debugger'a donulmesini saglayan ozellik..
  • (bkz: point break)
  • debug isleminde kodun hangi satirinda isletimin durmasi gerektigini belirtir
  • (bkz: int 3) (bkz: dr0)
  • megadeth-hidden treasures'dan hos bir eser

    make up the rules for me to live by
    rules you break and just let it slide
    you try and find you inside of me
    be as great as you want me to be
    hypocrite, the word that fits
    do as you say
    not as you do
    you're pushing me to a breakpoint
    pushing me, push, push me to a breakpoint

    self esteem you seem to lack
    point the finger
    there's three pointing back
    control's the illusion with all good intent
    bad times are contagious
    you laugh and infect
    criticist, the word that fits
    put me down to lift you up

    you're pushing me to a breakpoint
    pushing me, push, push me to a breakpoint

    watching pain is your only pleasure
    sick fascination for someone's disaster
    self suffering since you were born
    mess with the bull and you'll get the horn
    misery, the word that fits
    can't seem to smile 'till someone's sad

    you're pushing me to a breakpoint
    you're pushing me, push, push me
    push, push, push me to a breakpoint

    in my opinions as a professional i recommend
    we straight-jacket the son-of-a-bitch
    lock him in a rubber room
    sedate him, heavily
    and when he wakes up,
    if he wakes up, we'll see
    if he can be a nice boy

    well... i don't know... it's gonna hurt me
    more that it's gonna hurt him

    let's do it!

    you push me to a breakpoint, breakpoint
    push me to a breakpoint, breakpoint
    don't push me, you piece of shit
  • teniste servis kırma puanı.eğer servis karşılayan tenisçi bu puanı alırsa servis kırar ve servis atan tenisçi söz konusu oyunu kaybeder.
  • beğendiğim iki megadeth şarkısından biri *
  • belkide alemin en "real" demoscene partisi. breakpoint.untergrund.net
  • ing. duraklama noktası
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