• testamentin the gathering albumunde 9.sarki

    hey everybody
    join together unified
    hey are you ready
    for us all to fught for pride
    it's our last chance to defend
    our war cries to the bitter end

    pray up to the heavens
    our creator justifies..

    a war dance of indians
    it's my own allegiance to the fight
    me.. white.. breed..
    everybody symbolize
    join together unified
    hey are you ready fight.. me.. white.. breed..
    everybody stand and rise
    and join together unified

    hey everybody
    come together, raise the knife
    same old promise
    that we've heard a thousand times it's our last chance to defend
    war cries to the bitter end
    as man shows his ignorance
    it's my own allegiance to the
    fight.. me.. breed..
    everybody symbolize
    join together unified
    fight.. me.. white.. breed..
    everybody stand and rise
    and join together unified
  • turkcesi sadakat/baglilik
  • dimmu borgir'in 2003 tarihli en son albümü death cult armageddon'un birinci ve dolayısıyla açılış şarkısı...
    endüstriyel bir intro ile başlar ve ona uyumlu bir riff'le aklımızı alaraktan devam eder efendim...


    cuddled through a cold womb he was
    pitch black and without sunshine rays
    hell patiently awaiting him on blood spilled soil
    a noble grief stirred heart, always ready to die

    in sinister systematisation, submission is golden
    as an apprentice to violence, slaughter and bloodshed
    he was like an object that is being processed
    a force-fed destructor ready for abomination

    the vast solitude in him witnessed it all
    those self afflicting eyes
    and their fear painted faces
    made out of utter discipline, failure unacceptable
    hosts to oblivion
    exploring the darkest of places
    stench of rotten flesh breathing down his neck

    every day seemed like an endless night
    when would he ever wake from this void
    no other voice than his own will ever tell
    what was real and where he had been
    what he had done

    did you bleed for the cause
    like the rest of his men
    did you capture the euphoria
    how it was like to kill
    such a necromantic force behind it all
    they sure did battle till the end

    but when came all the glory
    and who got spared to carry his body
    just pure death and too profound to be shared
    was it all a fabricated vision in his memory
    to serve the wastelands of insanity
    at the front

    life forever lost its innocence
    never to see the light of day again
    he pondered his last few steps
    into the realms of death
    with his hands bloodstained

    courage and consistency
    bravery and valor
    honor and pride
    for what was it all worth

    [music by shagrath/galder/mustis]
    [lyrics by silenoz]
  • isveçli black metal grubu, aynı zamanda marduk un yan projesi, 3 albümleri bulunuyor.
    hymn till hangagud
  • san francisco'lu straight egde hardcore grubu.vokalistlerinin sonsuz kabızlığa mahkum olmuş gibi vokal yapmasından başka bir sorunları yok.overlooked adlı albümleri gayet iyi.
  • a new hope'un 6 ay sonrasinda gececek, luke skywalker, leia organa, han solo, chewbacca ve mara jade'in ana karakterleri oldugu 30 ocak 2007'de cikacak yeni timothy zahn kitabi. luke skywalker daha yeni force'u kavramaya baslamis, leia organa vari yogu ile imparatorluga karsi durmak icin hazirlanirken, han solo chewbacca ile beraber leia, luke ve isyancilara yardim edip etmeme arasinda kalmistir. iste tam bu sirada sahneye palpatine'in en degerli ajanlarindan biri olan mara jade devreye girecektir.

    shadows of the empire gibi guclu bir kitap bekliyorum, hadi bakalim.
  • stargate sg-1 dizisinin 6. sezon 9. bölümünün adı. bir grup jaffa ve tok'ra alfa bölgesine sığınır; ama fazla geçmeden aralarındaki köklü güvensizlik kendini göstermeye başlar. şüpheli ölümlerin de ortaya çıkması sonucu işler iyice karışacaktır.
  • 3.04 den soloya kadar böylesine gaz bir riffi başka şarkılarda duyamadığım firewind şaheseri, gaz parçalar klasörümün gülü.
  • nbc'nin 2014-2015 sezonu için onay verdiği drama. genç idealist cia analistinin, ailesinin gizli birer rus ajanı olduğunu öğrenmesi ile gelişen olayları izleyeceğiz. hope davis dizinin başrol oyuncularından birinde.

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