• bir uyusturucu turu.
    tam acilimi: 3-methoxyphencyclidine phencyclidine

    illegal kapsaminda olmayip (bkz: designer drug) internetten satin alinabilmesiyle unlu olmustur.

    (bkz: phencyclidine)
    (bkz: pcp)
    (bkz: melek tozu)

  • love child of pcp and mxe, offers the best of both worlds. chill out, take it slow, one step at a time. it's impossible to hole on, don't take my word for it though. just like my summer wine within which undried trihexagonal apricots dwell, right at the moment the blood brain barrier is reached, or crystallized shit hit the fan. the alpha and the omega inside herald the beginning of the end, as if it is a mutually beneficial parasitic relationship where the tail end of a cross -sectional psychedelic bad trip gives you goosebumps.

    hold back for an unprecedended lenght of time, better keep it sporadic or it will accumulate in your biochemical make up. to make matters worse, continuous exposure makes it harder to articulate infidelious reality, rather than be the perfect remedy.

    dissociated spiritual disintegration may help with certain diagnoses under the assumption that every square inch of your invertebrated existance combined with metaphysical prowess of, say, therapeutic instances of bended disclosure of the lesser of the two transdimensional faggots, surrenders you to near death.

    tunelling into the mellow la-la-land, the stinging bee buzzing over my head is an understatement, dare i say the beyond ethereal chemically and genetically modified bullshit fired from hair triggered, double barreled shit machine gun makes me think if i should thank gods with methylated aromatic rings for my impossibly possible astral bullshit going awry.

    this is the moment at which my undeniably stupid stream of conscionusness under the influence of a syncronic game between me and god played afar, miles away from the heart of babylon, comes to an end.

    after all this is what this compound is all about, then again i suggest you take my self-written poetical bullshit with a grain of salt.

    bow to the hexagon sun, stay green, grinning wide awake to lo-fi initiated infidelity.
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