• henüz albumu çıkmamış harika grup milburn'un ep lerinden şimdilik en bilinen parçası.
    sözlerini de copy paste edeyim tam olsun.

    oh how your mind's not on it
    pass me a book and i'll read you a sonnet, girl
    walls go up and guards come down
    he's bangin' on the door thinkin' "where the fuck is she now?"
    so open your mouth and stick to your guns
    you've gotta realise that she's indifferent
    woah oh ah oh what's your name?
    just won't learn, here we go again

    so it has come to an end, things haven't changed
    you're still lookin' rough my friend
    things get broken, things come clear
    if you wanted to leave so much then why are you still here?

    so open your mouth and stick to your guns
    you've gotta realise that she's indifferent
    woah oh ah oh what's your name?
    just won't learn, here we go again

    so open your mouth and stick to your guns
    you've gotta realise that she's indifferent
    woah oh ah oh what's your name?
    just won't learn, here we go again
  • anlık, sinsi ve içten pazarlıklı bir sırıtma. en güzel icra edenlerden biri olarak;

    (bkz: t-bag)
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