• anormal gaz bi system of a down şarkısı.dinlerken kafayı gözü sağa sola çarpmamak işin püf noktasıdır...

    cursed earth, cursed earth, cursed earth, cursed earth.

    i will never feed off the evergreen luster of your heart all because we all live in the valley of the walls when we speak we can peak from the windows of their mouths to see the land the women chant as they fly up to the sun.

    you never think you know why,
    know, you never think you know why,
    know, you never think you know why,
    know, ever think you know why,

    books all say different things while people flap their yellow wings trying to soar by being a whore of life and almost everything the sheep that ran off from the herd may be dead but now's a bird able to fly able to die able to fuck your mother's earth

    you never think you know why,
    know, you never think you know why,
    know, you never think you know why,
    know, ever think you know why,

    on the other side, on the other side, the other side,
    do you ever try to fly, do you ever try to fly?
    have you ever wanted to die, you ever want to die?

    don't ever try to fly, don't ever try to fly,
    don't ever try to fly, unless you leave your body on the other side,
    never try to die, you ever try to die.

    know, you never think you know why,
    know, you never think you know why,
    know, you never think you know why,
    know, ever think you know why,
  • ing. bilmek. ingilizce öğrenilirken karşımıza çıkan ilk kelimelerden. ve herkesin düştüğü okuma tuzağı. kınov diye okursunuz, olmaass ordaki k görüntüdendir, okunmaz.
  • jet pilota çok benzeyen soad parçası.
  • soadin ilk albumundeki bir sarki.
  • (bkz: know how)
  • monologdan cok dialog olduguna inanildiginda, hissiyatina tuz biber eklendigini düsündügüm nick drake parcasi.
    söyle ki:

    x: know that i love you
    y: know i don't care..
    x: know that i see you
    y: know i'm not there...
  • ingilizce'de incil'de gectiginde "cinsel iliskiye girmek" manasina gelebilir. hatta bu yuzden karsi cinsten birinden bahsederken "i know him/her" derseniz "know in the biblical sense?" gibisinden bir espriye maruz kalabilirsiniz.
  • "...now is a bird able to fly, able to die, able to fuck your mother's earth" kismindan sonra insanin o gazla allah allaaah diyerek sabri yildiz misali camdan asagiya atlayasini getiren muhtesem system of a down sarkisi.
  • fazladan bir "k" harfi olan ingilizce kelime.
  • validenin kankası, bendenizin ablası, modern bir hayat tarzını retro bakış açısıyla harmanlamış zeyno ablaya bildiğin halay çektirmiş şarkıdır. jet pilot galiba bunu dinlerken yazılmış olup her iki eser de insanı kıpır kıpır etmektedir.

    you know.
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